happyandhappy [she/her]

not that happy

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2022


  • read althusser’s on the reproduction of capitalism: ideology and ideological state apparatuses. its a really really great work that applies marxism-leninism to the superstructure and actually expounds in great depth the specific way that the ideological state apparatuses work.

    what you are referring to is the education ideological state apparatus and your analysis is correct. the superstructure is two apparatuses: the repressive state apparatus (cops & laws) and the ideological state appratuses (education, religion, familial, media, news, unions, +). we need to be able to combat our way up the ideological state apparatuses, but our strength within them is only as strong as the level of class struggle that flows around and through them.

    its a really great work that anybody with a glancing interest in understanding the superstructure must read in order to actually understand what the superstructure is, where it comes from, and what functions it holds. also makes many critical analyses on the role of ideology itself and the critical importance of the reproduction of ideology to any state.

    1. We are officially a left-unity community. Anarchists and Marxist-Leninists etc. all welcome, but we don’t tolerate right-wing/liberal ideology that contributes to the suffering of the exploited workers of the world.

    2. It’s more so a place for leftists to hang out and chat and spread news/content. A bit of both ig.

    3. The people calling us tankies and nazis simultaneously are mostly doing so out of a disingenuous liberal attempt to position anybody to the left of them as being on the right of them, while they are the truly enlightened ones. The shitposting is only ever a response to people who are being disingenuous with their arguments and refusing to have genuine discourse.