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Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • Can I ask why you don’t ask a more indepth race/ethnicity question instead of pushing a specific race question? It seems a bit shortsighted. For instance, someone who is of Middle Eastern descent may not choose person of color because the color of their skin is white. Likewise, someone who is Hispanic may feel white for the same reason. Neither of these people receive the same social standing despite this, though, because their culture overwrites their skin color.

    May I suggest reviewing this website? This person goes over the variety of ways this question can go awry and provides some great examples on how to be more inclusive with it. There’s actually a great survey example at the bottom from Project Include.

  • I figured. I got to the part where they captured a woman and she sort of starved to death. They weren’t doing anything evil intentionally; she was completely foreign to their way of life. I assumed the ending would revolve around learning from each other or cohabitation - some type of mutual respect. Maybe not. I’ll get back into it. I have the audiobook on my waitlist for the library.

  • Yeah, I figured Mars would be an underground territory since that seems to be where any nutrients might be anyway. Trying to form an atmosphere there suitable for life is likely impossible, but cave cities would be theoretically doable.

    Although I don’t know how I feel about terraforming other planets in general. Humans have destroyed this one so much that I feel like giving us another is akin to not teaching a child not to destroy their stuff. On the other hand, it would just be cool to see what humans have accomplished.

  • I never realized that Minecraft used an outside musician for their songs. I always thought it was in house until one night my wife was listening to one of her sleepy time playlists and it suddenly started playing a Minecraft song. I asked why she was listening to Minecraft and she had no idea what I was talking about since she had never played the game. I checked her phone and sure enough it was on the artist’s album and not on a Minecraft one.

  • No, it’s actually for BTS, the kpop group. It’s their 10 year anniversary today so celebrations have been going on for the past week or so. Unfortunately, a lot of kpop-based subs are toxic due to fan wars, antis, and the parasocial (also, music subs in general snub their nose at the group because they don’t realize the lyrics are all about mental health, societal commentary, etc. and that most of the fandom are adults). All that to say, the sub I am a part of is great at moderating the negativity out and keeping it a positive, chill place of discussion.

    Man, sorry, I guess I wrote a lot there instead of just saying no lol.

  • This would only be possible if the urban places really migrated to this kind of system since it isn’t entirely feasible in certain places of the US.

    For instance I grew up in the US South, specifically in farm country. The closest grocery was 30 minutes away by car. School busses took an hour or more from pickup to dropoff. No one in those kinds of communities are going to stop using a car for biking or public transport because it would take way too long to complete tasks. Switching to electric cars is theoretically a good idea, but we don’t currently have enough infrastructure to support it (and these places in the South definitely don’t). Plus, there are places still on coal and gas for energy, so by increasing their energy needs, you are essentially increasing that much more environmental damage. (I am not against electric cars btw, just see the pros and cons.)

    On the other hand, where I live now is a suburb of a huge metro that has groceries, schools, and healthcare everywhere. It would be completely possible for us to use only public transport and/or biking because the community is more dense. These are the places that really need the push for more environment-friendly services, which would decrease our destructive tendencies enough for those places who can’t jump on this to catch up.