Stupid parents give their kids unlimited access to mobile payments.
It’s like basic parental controls are a black art only few master
Stupid parents give their kids unlimited access to mobile payments.
It’s like basic parental controls are a black art only few master
And that is a bad thing?
My Xbox and PlayStation and Switch are also “closed ecosystems” and I like them too.
You can take background permissions from system apps on iOS
As soon as Chinese “fishing vessels” aren’t armed and won’t turn their transponders off to sneak into territorial waters
mAh is a stupid way to measure batteries. Wh is more relevant.
It also tells nothing about the efficiency of the device. You can add a 50kWh battery to a device but it doesn’t matter if it uses 2kWh at idle
I’d go with the amount of additives compared to the “real” thing.
Like basic bread is water, yeast, flour and salt.
If your bread has 20 ingredients - it’s ultra processed.
Drunk people and consent is a moral and legal gray area - it doesn’t matter if they initiate
Why don’t games have playable credits?
Let me play the tutorial and show the obligatory Unreal and whatever logos during it like in the movies
Still light years ahead of FB groups tho
Games. The answer is games.
The day COD, Dota2, CS2, Overwatch 2 and all that crap runs on Linux with anti-cheat and no performance issues is the day Windows dies.
“Open beta” lets them erase progress if they want.
“Early access” usually implies that you get a head start on the normies
A basic DOS system has zero networking or open ports
You post to a location you control, then post the link to that to other sites.
That way you own and control the content.
There’s a reason why Meta and Twitter hate external links, it takes people out of their feed
Obligatory XKCD: 😀
But more seriously: I do frequent shitty FB forums where newbies ask the same question over and over again. I can just quickly copy-paste my longish and sourced response every time. I’m pretty close to just setting up an Alfred/TextExpand macro for the most common ones 😀
(On a proper forum we could just point them to a FAQ thread, but Meta makes is intentionally hard because ✨engagement✨)
You guys do know you don’t have to use Windows?
AFAIK there’s a ton of their best anti air stuff parked around Moscow just because of this, they can’t risk the hits they’d take if they move it to the front lines
Putin has no endgame.
There is no timeline where he can step down and live peacefully.
His one in a million is to conquer enough of Ukraine and somehow be allowed to keep it - but that’s not happening unless Donald wins the election.
We don’t need to nuke them even, we can just use conventional munitions to fuck up every military installation they have to rubble.
And chuck a few Tomahawks at Kremlin to be sure
And the Lobby scene 10 times more than the movie 😅