Standard nerd.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 26th, 2023

  • Ooh, I know! I’d not exactly call it a moral panic but there were people who were convinced that people would be driving off cliffs or getting lost in the mountains because they didn’t have the skills to read a paper map properly. Wasn’t very convincing, especially as if people are determined to be stupid enough to drive off a cliff without noticing they’re going to find a way to do that even if there’s a big sign in front of them saying “Cliff, do not drive off”.

    In much of the world online mapping services still aren’t anywhere near the standard of a proper topological map and there’s really no substitute for (say) an Ordnance Survey map if you’re climbing in the Cuillins, but that’s not the fault of GPS.

  • Huge graveyards seem to be a Catholic thing, IME, not least as the Holy Church of Rome remains pretty weird about cremation. In a lot of other countries grave plots aren’t sold, only leased for a certain period of time, after which whatever bones remain are dug up and reburied along with all the other bones so the plot can be reused. They’re more like safe spaces for decomposition where you can be reasonably certain that nobody’s going to dig a hole to install a new drain and accidentally unearth Zombie Grandma.

  • Plenty of propaganda, but Smoky was a real cat – was rescued from a bombed-out building after an air raid by the woman in the picture - Miss Ann Twynam of Paddington (a district of London). While I’m sure his saluting trick didn’t involve taxidermy, I’m sure it involved bribery. Cats basically owned the black market in tuna during the war when pretty much everything was strictly rationed.