• 66 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023


  • You specifically said Russia lost the battle of kiev and moved to belarus after the defeat. These skirmishes are nothing. Russian army was standing still for 2 weeks when they surrounded the suburbs of Kiev. I remember, our communist newspapers were reporting that Russian army was standing still because of an acute water crisis in Kiev and some negotiations happening in Turkey. After that negotiations, Russia pulled out from Kiev. Putin, Lavrov said several times why they did it (negotiations) long before these clowns and Israeli PM had any convo about peace agreement.

    Like many of your outdated takes , you can’t admit that you were wrong 😌🤣

  • I think the ukraine war was provoked to weaken and bleed Russia . It didn’t happen. Europe never had any independence since WW2. It always had close ties with the US but since the ukraine war, Europe has become a joke for the people of the 3rd world. As a person from 3rd world I have no sympathy for Europeans ans their cucked NATO left. German, French government supporting Israel have no shame either. Ukraine war has showed the 3rd world , US is just a paper tiger and the reign of tyranny by NATO and atlantic countries is over.

  • Well I don’t about your country but India was pretty much backwards in terms of any rights of women and the oppressed castes. It was the British who employed the lower castes and gave them some dignity. That’s all. Hijras in india were always frowned upon and were ostracized by the mainstream society for years. They are not mentioned in vedas and hindu texts (although gods can be trans or can have both feminine and masculine genders).