• Pavitr Prabhakar is Spider-Man India, featured in Across the Spider-Verse
  • Nilesh Chanda is a fanfic version of Vinod Chanda from Pantheon AMC, featured in The Kalkiyana

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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yep. That’s why it’s important to understand how LLMs and other related technology work. Though to be honest, I’m not quite there either since I don’t have a computer science background. I just know that some LLMs can understand context more than others. You can check LLM benchmarks and customer reviews to see which LLMs fit your particular needs the most. For example, everyone is hyping over Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

    As far as resembling Samantha goes, I agree that we’re very far away from that. In the movie, it’s acknowledged that she has developed her own consciouness and sentience. The same cannot be said about current iterations of AI chatbots. The more people, including AI companion users, understand the mechanism behind these things alongside with their limitations, the better.

  • This was mentioned in the Discussion part of their paper:

    The activity of facial muscles involved in forming expressions such as smiles is closely linked to the development of wrinkles. One significant next step in this research is to leverage this model to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying wrinkle formation. Moreover, applying this knowledge to recreate such expressions on a chip could find applications in the cosmetics industry and the orthopedic surgery industry. Additionally, this study performed actuation on a dermis equivalent by controlling mechanical actuators positioned beneath the dermis equivalent. Substituting this mechanical actuator with cultured muscle tissue presents an intriguing prospect in the realization of a higher degree of biomimetics. Examining the correlation between facial muscle contractions and resulting facial expression can offer insights into the physiological aspects of emotion, leading to new exploration in the treatment of diseases, such as facial paralysis surgery.

  • I don’t know, I personally have trouble communicating with some fellow autistics sometimes. Autism is a spectrum after all, and I think individual autistic communication is also informed by cultural expectations (ethnicity, race, class, etc) albeit in a different way from how NT communication is shaped. Given that my cultural background is quite different from a typical person, I often run into problems when communicating with other autistics as well.

  • I think that would be online spaces in general where anything that goes against the grain gets shooed away by the zeitgeist of the specific space. I wish there were more places where we can all put criticism into account, generative AI included. Even r/aiwars, where it’s supposed to be a place for discussion about both the good and bad of AI, can come across as incredibly one-sided at times.

  • pavnilschanda@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldNeo-Nazis Are All-In on AI
    5 days ago

    You are right. But I’m mostly observing how much of the newsfeed headlines talk about how AI is dangerous and dystopian (which can be especially done by bad actors e.g. the Neo-Nazis mentioned in the article, but the fear-mongering headlines outnumber more neutral or sometimes positive ones. Then again many news outlets benefit from such headlines anyway regardless of topic), and this one puts the cherry on top.