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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2024

  • As a thought:

    We use money as a convenient way to describe the value of someone’s labour. But, it removes all context. It’s kind of like having a multi variable equation to describe the economic value someone has, and either using approximations, derivatives, or substitutions, to simplify the equation into a single variable.

    Then, we use markets to do the same thing with the needs of people. It’s a simplified representation of what the real quantifiable needs of people and society are.

    It’s sort of like instead of asking everyone what they need and want, prioritizing the needs, and figuring out how much labour time is required to meet those needs, then figuring out how much labour time is required to meet the wants. We decided it is easier(true)/better to assume that each person will only choose to trade the amount of labour time they are willing to commit to trading for their needs/wants.

    If someone in this situation is able to have more money than their labour value (theft, inheritance, etc.), they are disconnected from the effort required to meet their needs/wants. Thus, they have the money required to meet their needs, plus extra that is unearned, and an imbalance of power under this arrangement. It becomes possible to offer more for resources that are either scarce, or close enough to being scarce, thus driving up the price without any additional labour from that individual.

    I bet it is possible to invent a new metric (besides money, but maybe unnecessary) and/or a new distribution tool (instead of the “market”) that prioritizes needs and wants more than simply money/capital.

    I’ll call this work:

    Crapital volume 1

  • I’ve always found (in my experience teaching first year uni science students) teaching something directly, especially if it goes against someone’s fundamental understanding, is not very fruitful.

    So saying “we are a product of the world we live in” might help, but usually isn’t too effective.

    If you ask probing questions that lead to the person discovering reality themselves, that is a lasting impression. Trust that people are smart and capable. Even if they do dumb things (we all do).

    Example would be asking someone what causes the seasons on Earth, and getting them to reason it out. Albeit, a non-political question is easier, the same tactics can be used for anything really.

  • Keep it very simple at first. It’s common (but maybe not natural ;) ) to think linearly. If x changes then y changes proportionally. (y=mx+b)

    But that’s a simplified version of reality.

    Maybe using ideas like: If I go for a walk in the forest, the forest affects me. It makes me feel calm, I can see the beauty, etc. But I also affect the forest. When I am there, fewer animals are in my vicinity. I leave foot prints, and maybe eat berries so that there are fewer for the animals.

    I think starting with this give and take sort of idea can provide a foundation.

    It’s just a small step to: the system influences my behaviour and I influence the system through “these” real things.

  • Why would you believe this? First you would have to answer why the scientists are being shunned. Then, is this the same problem in these other countries? Then you have to ask why would it be a bad thing for them to work elsewhere? What about the countless good scientists in the west who are unemployed? Why not be worried about them going to other countries?

    I suspect you aren’t involved in science at all. The default is that scientists travel between countries for opportunities. There are far more scientists than jobs for them, especially when you consider the scientists trained in very specific fields. To be concerned with the shunning of a specific nationality of scientists ignore why they may be shunned. And to be concerned with where this specific group will then go, is low-key racist.

  • Well there are always going to be drawbacks.

    You want to serve more customers? Great! But you need help. Have a probationary period to make sure you and this other person aren’t antagonistic, then they have the same voting rights as you

    Compensation is determined collectively. Maybe you have a base pay plus you both earn a bonus from the profits. Many options.

    Unlike under capitalism, moving beyond capitalism means you only get paid for the work you do. Setting up a business brings no value to anyone but you, so you pay yourself with income potential.