
  • 7 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • Yeah, it’s a black and white position. You specifically are saying the state is unable to obtain justice because of the “risk”. You preclude the possibility of justice being obtained. I’m pretty amazed you can find so many ways to say the same thing and not realize that. But hey, I’m sure it’s just everybody else being irrational right?

  • It’s fucking tedious, it’s win conditions are nearly impossible, and it’s controls suck. You have to collect phone pieces in a pit and then find and stand in an unmarked tile for an undeclared amount of time with no enemies on the screen to win and the win screen doesn’t even differentiate itself from the lose screen. Speedrun with no glitches is under a minute. It’s length of gameplay is purely designed on the fact that it’s just a badly made game.