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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 16th, 2023


  • The phrase “national divorce” is irritating but that wasn’t a horrible article, I suppose. Rep. Greene’s idea of “separate by red states and blue states” is ludicrous. I do have to wonder who benefits from spreading such soundly idiotic ideas such as secession, “divorce” or civil war. It sure as fuck would not be the average person or people who benefit from the US being strong or functional. Republicans are suckers for it because, as usual, they have serious intellectual and emotional issues. Conservative states would be completely fucked by being forced to be a separate country. The change in global political power would also be massive and I can only imagine the effects that would have even if the transition was quick and painless, which I doubt.

    Anyway, there is not really any such thing as a “red state” or “blue state” and I miss the times before the media popularized those terms. They dramatically overstate the balance of population who support the one side in those states - a “red” state might be one where 60% of voters consistently back republicans, but calling the state “red” ignores the existence of everyone in the minority there. There are also the issues of voter suppression and unequal access to voting, which might make the state not so “red” if not present. So there isn’t any reasonable or fair way to partition the US and I wish people would stop taking such an incredibly stupid idea seriously.

  • The scenario here is that you have been transported back to a relatively primitive time. It’s unclear that you’d have the support of any sort of society or access to agricultural products or any sort of food source. So, it could be a survival scenario. You seem to be confusing modern “hunting for fun” with subsistence and avoiding starvation.

  • Still makes a big difference. China? Bottle rockets are just like ok, you have some bottle rockets. India? Spices are just okay, you have some spices. India might appreciate the keyboard more than Europeans, like “nice, a versatile harmonium!” vs “OMG Satan” like you might get in Europe. North America and you might be able to convince a tribe that you’re a shaman with Super Mushrooms using the LSD.

    The motorcycle had better be a dirt bike or it’s not going to be of much use except maybe in China or where there were vestiges of Roman roads.

  • The spices and the laser pointer? You can just pretend to be a spice trader and when needed, blind people to escape.

    The dab pen and magic keyboard were tempting, but De. Wesker made a good point ab out witchcraft.

    Motorcycle might be cool because you can melt it down or disassemble it once you run out of fuel.

    Another important question is Medieval times where?