Good luck and it’s amazing you are getting diagnosed in university! I think my biggest struggle with adult ADHD is that I don’t know how to exist in the adult world in a healthy way, so learning and accepting my limitations (My whole body tenses when I write that) is extremely hard. I hope this helps your transition into the adult world as smooth as possible 💖
I hope to arrive in time to save my first semester of uni but it has at least give me more hope and will to continue trying. (Not just the medication but the whole diagnose and the posibility of things getting better).
I’m also worried about adult life, I don’t feel anything near the definition of an adult… Idk, I just want to be a silly little goose a bit more, you know? I guess it’s something I have to learn eventually.
But thank you for the post, I’m learning a ton and I can’t say thanks enough. Let’s all learn to live a healthy live. <3
I would encourage you to try and take notes if at all possible. There are templates out there to make it a guided exercise. You could also ask those close to you if they notice a difference.
I just started a journal with timestamps to record and keep track of things that might be interesting to tell to my psychiatrist. I also asked all my close family and half my friends to keep and eye on me. (The other half haven’t been notified because they are my control group).
I got finally diagnosed recently and I know as a matter of fact that my father does have ADHD too and I’m keeping tabs on my little sister… If you start unraveling there’s a ton of family history in my case.