OpenBSD admin and ports maintainer

  • 3 Posts
Joined 28 days ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2024


  • the fediverse was born — an attempt to wrest control of microblogging services, such as Twitter and its ilk, away from centralized powers and into the hands of the people.

    Threads is Meta’s runner in the fediverse race. It uses the ActivityPub protocol, which lets Threads fly the platform interoperability flag the fediverse is known for – although Meta has received some criticism for being slow to fully participate. Still, with the weight of Meta behind it, Threads positions itself as a key player in the evolution of a more connected and diverse online ecosystem.

    shut the fuck up, go commit retroactive abortion

  • Just make the file root owned and readable by no one. An unreadable file can’t be copied. You can use chattr to add some flags like immutability if you desire (shouldn’t really need to). Use a command like find /some/path -type f -exec chattr whatever {} \; if you need to do this recursively. Root account should need a password, and should (hopefully) not be accessable with an unprivileged user’s password through sudo/doas, but on its own account with it’s own password using su or login.

    Note that without encrypting the file, this does not protect you from someone just grabbing your storage device and mounting it with root permissions and then they can do whatever they want with your data. It also doesn’t protect you if someone gets root access to your device through other remote means. If you want to encrypt the file, use something like openssl some-cipher -k 'your password' -in file -out file.cipher_ext. If you want to encrypt multiple files, put them in a tarball and encrypt the tarball. You can again also use find with openssl to encrypt/decrypt recursively if you don’t want to use a tarball, which may be better with ciphers like blowfish that aren’t secure at large file sizes; but if you do that, you expose your encrypted file system structure to attackers.

    I am not a fan of full disk encryption, because it usually means leaving all your data decrypted during runtime with how most people use it. If you only decrypt a block device when you need to, there’s nothing wrong with that, and can work as an alternative to encrypting a tarball.

  • I’m an OpenBSD user & ports maintainer, and while I don’t totally agree with the permissive ethos, I’ll summerize it the best I can:

    Permissive licensing (anyone can use your code for any reason, as long as they give attribution) means more people are using your software, which is improving the quality of software in the world, and regardless of it is being used for nefarious purposes or not, it increases the probability of your software becoming a standard. Copyleft/GPL can lead to total rejection of software by large proprietary/corpo entities, and lead to in-house proprietary implementations instead. A good example is MacOS, which if BSD didn’t exist with the license it did, we could have very well have ended up with with two systems as non-portable as Windows instead of one.

    My personal opinion on the matter is that your license should change depending on what type of software you’re writing. I think permissive is good for libraries and highly portable applications. For something like a game on the other hand, I think something like the GPL isn’t good enough; I would pick a license that would would prevent any commercial use whatsoever. I don’t care about the purity of open source or what does or doesn’t qualify open source or free software; I view it as zealotry, and licenses are a tool, not an ideology.

  • As much as I appreciate projects like Linux Mint improving portability for projects like GTK (against GNOME’s wishes), Linux Mint and PopOS have a similar dependency issue of being dependent on Ubuntu. To what degree each project is I don’t know, but personally I’d use something that is either entirely independent (Alpine, Void, Gentoo, Devuan, Debian, etc), or at the very least not a fork of a fork (especially in Ubuntu’s case with how many poor decisions Canonical are making in regards to proprietary repositories and telemetry).

    Devuan or Debian aren’t exactly hard to set up with a similar environment and interface to Ubuntu, and otherwise function in a very similar fashion, so if you want something like Ubuntu without the shittification, use one of those.

    EDIT: A commenter pointed out that LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) also exists, which is a Debian-forked version of Linux Mint, rather than Ubuntu forked.