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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Have you got a real world example that is not on the web/social media?

    In my experience, the world is not run by NT folks, and if you’re being yelled at as an adult that person doing the yelling is certainly not NT.

    As I’ve gotten older I have come to realise everyone is dealing with something, whether it’s a diagnosable condition or not. As an example my wife has anxiety with OCD thrown in, my daughter probably inherited both, my son has some ASD tendencies, my MIL is the biggest narcacist and a complete A-Hole, her partner is a functioning alcoholic with his own issues. Then my mum is likely got mild anxiety, as well as my little brother, older brother has anger issues as well as my father. All this is to say externally you would consider everyone I just mentioned NT, my wife is the only one that has been diagnosed with anything

  • I’m living in Dublin and even here folks from mainland Europe complain about the lack of non-car related infrastructure, but friends of ours from Indiana absolutely loved being able to get around for the most part without a car. They repeatedly mentioned things like sidewalks just not existing in many places, which seems crazy to me, everywhere I’ve lived has at least been pedestrian friendly enough.

  • Yup this, my MIL is a pretty shitty person, cheated on my wife’s father right around the time he was dying of cancer, when he did die she kicked my wife out of the house (she was 19 at the time and just lost her father) sold it and moved 4hrs away, didn’t tell my wife where she had gone, no contact number, then proceeded to “poison the well” with her side of the family.

    We recently found a letter that was supposed to go to me but never made it, from my MIL’s sister saying how bad a child my wife was and how she made her mother’s life so difficult, all bullshit, plus they didn’t talk to my wife for years after the cheating started.

    Thing is, my MIL runs a facade, it wears off in a few days if your staying with her and her narcissistic tendancies come out. She is still with the man she had an affair with, and I refuse to call him family, hes my MIL’s partner if I ever need to explain it, which is often atm because hes almost on his death bed from all the alcoholism and smoking through the years