thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]

ἐγὼ τὸ μὲν δὴ πανταχοῦ θρυλούμενον κράτιστον εἶναι φημὶ μὴ φῦναι βροτῷ·

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • A lot of dooming in this thread. Nasrallah is a massive loss, he’ll be missed and honoured as a true hero. But we’re really missing the forest for the trees here. What’s next for Israel? What wins do they even have left? What happens when tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and every day after that, when the rockets keep flying into northern Israel, when the settlers are still unable to return to their homes, when the residents of Haifa keep running for cover? Nasrallah has already won, the decline of the entity is baked in. There’s nothing for them to do but death, death at a mass scale, but none of it changes the game. Hezbollah will keep pounding the Israelis, and a thousand Nasrallahs wait in the ranks. Leaders are important, but when the people have resolve you cannot stop them. If you need some hope today watch The Battle of Algiers, it shows how even if you kill everybody, you eliminate all the leaders, you cannot kill the movement. You cannot win.

  • That’s actually not true. Specifically the Yugoslav Resistance headed by Tito and the communists was incredibly effective. They had liberated parts of Yugoslavia by 1944 without any Allied help, and tied down significant German and Italian regiments that would’ve been deployed elsewhere. The Italian partisan movement helped to move Italy into all out civil war, collapsing the Italian state and forcing the Nazis to create the rump state of the RSI, again tying down a bunch fo German divisions and helping the allied advance. Sure like the French resistance didn’t really do shit but there were significant resistance movements that did materially contribute to the defeat of the Nazis.