Estudante de Engenharia Informática apaixonado pela área; algures em Portugal.

Administrador da instância

Computer Science student, passionate about the field; somewhere in Portugal. instance administrator.

  • 70 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2021


  • Nome próprios em Português são muito aleatórios xD Além do género tens o uso, ou não, do determinante:

    • ✅ “Estou em França” / “Estou na França” (±)
    • ✅ “Estou na Alemanha”
    • ❌ “Estou em Alemanha”

    Eu reparo que, em geral, os micro-estados fogem um bocado às normas. Isto é, quase todos são ou masculinos ou não têm género:

    • “Estou no Mónaco” / “Estou no Vaticano” / “Estou no Lichtenstein”
    • “Estou em Malta” / “Estou em Andorra” / “Estou em San Marino”

    Há ainda mais uns estados europeus com nomes masculinos: Países Baixos, Azerbaijão e Cazaquistão (tecnicamente ainda fazem parte da Europa). Mais que esses não estou a ver. Como disseste, a maioria são do género feminino.

  • StreetComplete is godsend. Editing OSM in JOSM, iD, etc, is not trivial and involves reading a lot of documentation and forum posts (if you care to do things right), which of course isn’t anywhere near practical for small devices when you’re on the go, surveying.

    This app changed my whole routine. The interface is really solid and helps the community target important tasks, rewarding it with little prizes. Althewhile, the gamification is kept at a very healthy level, to avoid attracting leaderboard seekers and whatnot, which would certainly lower the quality of contributions.

    I think the contribution day grid (akin to GitHub’s thing) as well as the dynamic category explorer, the badges and the OSM-related projects it reveals to you bit by bit really bring everything together. It’s an incredible tool!

    For the experienced (and this is not said lightly), there is the expert version, which adds more advanced editing features for those looking for a bit more control in regular SC.

  • Not really, 2k is enough to have a result with a pretty low error %.

    You’re totally right, my statistics is very rusty, good lord. For the ~240M eligible voters in the US, you can get roughly 2% margin of error, for the usual 95% confidence level.

    My comment was a bit daft, in retrospective. Surely the polling people know what they’re doing, better than I do for sure x)
    I guess it goes to show how non intuitive some statistical methods can be at first?

  • in Europe?
    12 days ago

    I’m not familiar with any service that works at the international level, but over in Portugal, the biggest ATM network, Multibanco, has had a service called MB NET (now integrated with the newer MB WAY app), which allows you to create temporary cards with 3 different behaviours: one-time, monthly, multiple uses. The first one always has 1 month of validity, while the others only expire after a year, and you can define a maximum capacity.

    It works perfectly well in foreign online services, but you have to have a card from one of the associated banks (presumably from their Portuguese branch?).