• 5 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • I mean, they accomplished the first part mostly because they are cheap connected speakers, but I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t absolutely loath their home assistants. Got rid of mine (Both Google and Amazon) not just because they are a privacy nightmare, but because they are completely fucking infuriating to work with.

    The exact same phrase is never guaranteed to have the same results. The assistant hardly ever answers a question right. It routinely takes repeated attempts to get it to control any of my connected lights. It responds to people that weren’t talking to it. I could keep going…

    If they tried charging me for it before I rage quit them, I would have just rage quit sooner.

  • I don’t think that has been tested in court.

    It has and it continues to be.

    And even if it hadn’t, that’s no excuse not to start.

    It would be a reasonable legal argument to say that the image isn’t a photo of anyone. It doesn’t depict reality, so it can’t depict anyone.

    It depicts a real child and was distributed intentionally because of who it depicts. Find me then legal definition of pornography that demands that pornography be a “depiction of reality”. Where do you draw the line with such a qualifier?

    I think at best you can argue it’s a form of photo manipulation, and the intent is to create a false impression about someone.

    It is by definition “photo manipulation”, but the intent is to sexually exploit a child against her will. If you want to argue that this counts as a legal form of free speech (as libel is, FYI), you can fuck right on off with that.

    A form of image based libel, but I don’t think that’s currently a legal concept.

    Maybe actually know something about the law before you do all this “thinking”.

    It’s also a concept where you would have to protect works of fiction otherwise you’ve just made the visual effects industry illegal if you’re not careful.

    Oh no, not the sLiPpErY sLoPe!!!

    We do not allow animals to be abused, but we allow images of animal abuse in films as long as they are faked.

    Little girls are the same as animals, excellent take. /s

    Children are often in horror films, and creating the images we see is very strictly managed so that the child actor is not exposed to anything that could distress them.

    What kind of horror films are you watching that has naked children in sexual situations?

    What’s the line here?

    Don’t sexually exploit children.

    Parental consent?

    What the living fuck? Parental consent to make porn of their kids? This is insane.

    I say all of this, not because I want to defend anyone, but because I think we’re about to set some really bad legal precidents if we’re not careful.

    The bad legal precedent of banning the creation and distribution of child pornography depicting identifiable minors?

    Personally, I don’t think the concept of any image, or any other piece of data, being illegal holds water.

    Somebody check this guy’s hard drive…

  • Zionism is essentially the belief that Ethnically Jewish people deserve their own homeland. This usually translates to “Israel has a right to exist”.

    This does not necessarily mean endorsement of ethnic cleansing. That is not the core of Zionism, it is the core of what you oppose, and you have been convinced to casually refer to those things as Zionism.

    Taking a hard-line against Zionism in this way is like saying “Catholicism is basically the belief that women should be brood mares”. Sure, Catholics are largely against Abortion, but they aren’t a monolith. You’re going to find plenty of members of the group that don’t tow the line on that.

    In this sense, you are looking at the Israeli leaders that use Zionism as a justification for what they are doing to Gaza/Palestine et al, and deciding that everyone under the Zionist umbrella must be exactly the same. The problem here is that you’re dead wrong about what Zionists actually believe and are alienating people that might otherwise be your allies, because they can’t tell if you’re arguing that Palestine should be free, or if their friends and families in Israel deserve to be displaced, oppressed, or even murdered in revenge for the Nakba.

  • This is a point I wish more people understood. I know more than one self-identified Zionist who is against Israel’s oppression of Palestine, and even refers to it as Genocide. They understand how Zionism motivated it, but they themselves are not in agreement with Israel even though they identify as Zionist.

    It’s like if the pro-choice movement were branded as an anti-Catholic, since Sectarian Catholic Christians are some of the most outspoken against Abortion. While there is plenty of blame that Catholicism deserves, making that your central message alienates pro-choice Catholics.

    Or how Communism and Socialism are frequently equivocated with Authoritarianism because there were a handful of far-left dictators through recent history. Make that your central message and you alienate all the leftists that don’t stand for that.

    anti-Zionism might feel properly directed, but for Jews it always leaves the question of “what part of Zionism are you against?”, Because Zionism is a more complex philosophy than “Oppress Palestinians”. Making it your central message alienates Zionist Jews that are not in favor of the violent nationalism of the Israeli government.

    That we even have to stop and remind people not to straight up blame Jewish people for what’s happening makes it clear that the messaging here is questionable. Finding a convenient label to encapsulate everything you oppose in a situation may be rhetorically convenient, but oversimplified messaging can also lead to miscommunication and overly-broad statements of blame against groups that don’t necessarily deserve it.