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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • Hard agree. They gutted the electoral commission while gerrymandering like crazy. They have an army of right wing boomers brow beating anyone they come across into the ground with their “the two parties are identical in every single way” BS (all claiming to be left wingers while doing so, of course). If labour had been betting on things, using insider knowledge, there would be arrests already. The Met police went to the most secure and videoed place in the country (10 downing street) and lied, telling the whole nation that there was no evidence of the parties they were having during lockdown. Etc etc etc.

    The very wealthy people and powerful people they represent won’t go quietly, if at all, and they have no morals.

  • On the other hand even trying to level everyone to the lowest level is wrong.

    If only there was a third option. Somewhere between “a doctor and a kitchen hand earning the same money” and human greed, expressed in economic form. Oh well, never mind I guess.

    True, the correct balance would be conserve the power and let everyone else to rise, but I undestand it is an utopian vision (the established power would never allow it).

    Its not so much that. Its that their power is power over other people. Its the power to charge a levy (exactly like a tax) on the money people earn for using their things etc. The idea that one can be lifted while the other is retained is a contraction in terms.

    but the conservatives are now starting to talk to them again while the progressives are still talking only to themself in an ivory tower.

    Considering the conservatives are about to be whiped out at the next election, I hope that was meant to be ironic.

  • They were half serious and an elaborate ruse. You see, I dont actually subscribe to neoclassical ideology. Crazy huh? Aren’t words wild?

    All the people who understood what was going on and voted on it. Youre the only person who’s had a problem here and needed it all explained to you, in little bits. Just you, on your own.

    As opposed to a big man who calls people a coward from safely behind their keyboard? Grow up.

    No, i thought you had poor social skills and, as such, I couldn’t be bothered with you. I said what I though would make you go away. Although, it turns out you’re were even more bitter and poorly socialised than I thought you were which is really saying something.

    Youre right about one thing at least, although you didn’t say it directly. Much like everyone else in your life I, should’ve just ignored you. I won’t make that mistake again. By all means, feel free to reply and scream into the void. It won’t be read.

  • Youre thinking of social Darwinism, not evolution.

    Its not just tankie who ignore them. Its also anyone who knows anything about evolution, as things like chiefs and kings only started happening a blink of an eye ago (in evolutionary terms) we can ignore things like chiefs and kings completely.

    However, our collectivism, mutual aid and cooperation is what set us so far apart from our competitors.