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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2024

  • Trying to remember what i learned in history here, i hope i get at least most of it right:

    • the political institutions of the Weimar republic were not as balanced and protected from interference as in other democracies
    • many parties were against the existence of the Weimar Republic
    • they differed a little in what they wanted instead though, ranging from reintroducing the monarchy with a few republican elements, to full fledged socialism
    • the difference between the parties made finding compromises very difficult and often resulted in stalemates in the legislative, because of missing checks this did not affect the executive as much though
    • especially the monarchists liked the idea of heaving a leader that can overrule the parliament if needed and so it was easy for Hitler to get them to agree that they would all be better off with him breaking the stalemate so to speak. So they formed a coalition
    • see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harzburg_Front
    • Those parties also had no qualms with banning other parties just because they disagreed on something, which Hitler was very happy to do, starting with the communists and ending with a complete ban on forming political parties after every serious contender was eliminated

  • user134450@feddit.orgtoScience Memes@mander.xyzrabioli
    16 days ago

    If you mean an Immune escape that is not a real problem for rabies because that virus has a slow evolution as you can tell from the fact that the same vaccines that were used in the 80s are still used today. Compare that for example to flu or Covid-19 vaccines where even two year old vaccine types are considered outdated and not used anymore.

  • user134450@feddit.orgtoFacepalm@lemmy.wtfExcellent logic!
    1 month ago

    Maybe some compound that is relatively harmless on its own but yields a toxic compound in contact with stomach acid? Blood is slightly alkaline so it would not trigger after an injection and leave time for the kidneys and liver to degrade it. Maybe some cyanogenic glycoside?

  • Ich kenne diese Einstellung, das elektrische Geräte nur so benutzt werden dürfen, wie alle das machen, sehr gut, und kann sie auch irgendwie nachvollziehen (ich habe vermutlich selber schon solch „gängige Ignoranz“ verbreitet).

    Ich kenne auch diesen Impuls solche Weisheiten auszutesten und auch mal unter Risiko zu prüfen ob wirklich was dran ist. Mein Lieblingssubjekt dabei sind Mikrowellenherde. Eine gängige Weisheit ist ja das man keine metallischen Gegenstände in Mikrowellen stellen soll. Ich hab ein Set Schüsseln aus Stahl die ich regelmäßig in der Mikrowelle verwende, manchmal sogar mit einer Gabel oder einem Löffel drin. Der Trick dabei ist die Gabel nicht über den Rand hinaushängen zu lassen und genug absorbierendes (~wasserhaltiges) Material in der Schüssel zu haben.

    Dinge in Mikrowellen die ich durchaus als unterhaltsam, wenn auch etwas gefährlicher, empfehlen kann sind:

    • Bleistifte (nur mit feuerfester Unterlage, und man sollte sich auf viel Rauch einstellen.),
    • Kompaktleuchtstofflampen (nur im bruchfesten Glasbehälter, da explosionsgefährlich, außerdem quecksilberhaltig, habe ich wegen der aufwändigen Reinigung nur einmal gemacht),
    • Glühlampen, auch bereits durchgebrannte (ähnlich wie bei Leuchtstofflampen, haben aber kein Quecksilber)
    • aufgeschnittene Trauben mit einem kleinen verbliebenem Steg zwischen den Hälften (eigentlich relativ harmlos aber die Plasmakugeln können schon etwas furchterregend sein.)

  • ah ok i mistunderstood what the group head is. if they are both permanently in contact with the water in the boiler then it would depend a lot on the water quality. Water with only a little conductivity (<100µS/cm) would not be a problem for pure aluminium or most alloys, since the aluminium would passivate much quicker than the corrosion could dig into it.
    i would assume that a vessel made for boiling water is made of a highly corrosion resistant alloy but i can not know for sure.