• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • You really don’t, humans are by and large social animals, so while you might be able to suppress that feeling, there’s little chance to get rid of it entirely.

    I agree with the other comment though that you need to build general social circles first and foremost. That’s how most relationships start anyway, through mutual hobbies and interests.

    Just don’t go waltzing into any hobby gardener meetup with the only thought in mind to find a partner, but rather get involved with something you care about and then see what happens. Be that a book club, board game session, arts & craft stuff, sports, or whatever, just make sure it’s an actual interest of yours.

    And if it’s the no sex part that contributes to your insecurity, then seriously, find a paid companion. If that’s illegal where you’re at, find a place you could go without repercussions. I’ve seen people transform over such encounters, no matter how frowned upon it might seem in society.

  • Aren’t they regulated in some way or other? I had problems with them in Europe (travel a lot for work, including some African and Central Asian countries) and they blocked me when I tried to buy something while in Nigeria. Fair play, common scam hotspot.

    But no matter what I did to prove my identity after returning, they wouldn’t unblock my account. So instead I sent a complaint to the CSSF (the FED of Luxembourg, where they got their European banking license) and within days I had the head of compliance from their HQ in Ireland on the phone telling me that my account was open again and practically begging me to drop the complaint.

  • The concept is doable for sure, but I’d reconsider the draining issue. The volume of a hot tub is quite something, and if you’re using any kind of soap or other chemicals, you’ve got a potential environmental challenge on hand. Even if you only use biodegradable stuff, that doesn’t mean that plants will rejoice being smothered with soapy water.

    For the heater you’ll need something with a decent wattage to get it up to temp in short enough time, so make sure you’re not overloading the circuit. Those outlets in some shed are often not the best.

    Propane/butane would work as well, but in that case you’ll need to take care of proper ventilation as well. Or just leave the door open.