OK. Die 6 Leute aus dem Internet sind sich einig. Ich bin überzeugt.
Eigenwillige aber witzige Interpretation.
Genau. Übersehen. Die hat ganz genau gesehen und wollte, wie jeder der ein Auto fährt, einfach ihrer Mordlust freie Fahrt lassen. Autofahrer sind Mörder. Das sollte auch so geframed werden. Immer diese verharmlosenden Formulierungen nur um zu verbergen, dass alle Autofahrer Freude am Töten haben. Die Fahrerin sitzt jetzt bestimmt gemütlich Zuhause und stößt mit Sekt auf die erfolgreiche Tötung an.
Mein Name ist Erwin Lindemann und ich bin 500.000 Jahre alt.
regarding your claims its statistically a valid question.
Do GUNS pose a danger, no. Mentally ill people and criminals do.
so, why is there no other country in the world with the amount of guns and killings like the US? if i understand you right - because the US is the place with the most mentally ill people and criminals in the world, right? reading your comments and seeing the political discourse in your country this does not seem far fetched. are you a mentally ill criminal yourself?
there is none? both are tools. a gun is like a hammer. just easier to kill with. /s
i think were done here. it all goes wooosh above your head.
damn. stawman? how many kids get killed by drag queens? and you call other people ignorant? it would be funny, if it wasnt so sad. but better pop an adderal than kids at school.
non related? i thought you care for kids? but you seem to think guns dont pose a danger to kids in school every day. its just like i said. guns are no problem for you, even if kids, and all kind of innocent people, get shot nearly every day. you do not care for anybody at all. at least i think you dont. you just care about yourself while sexualising men in women clothes. grow up, buddy.
because guns are inappropriate for kids. but they have to live with them, and the fear of getting shot in school on a daily basis. but you sure wouldnt ban guns. or would you? those men in women clothes are way worse, arent they? even if the only one sexualising this is you. and people like you. kids sure dont.
Approriate things like getting shot at school, right?
Have you ever read this quote:
“Wenn unsere Gegner sagen: Ja, wir haben Euch doch früher die […] Freiheit der Meinung zugebilligt – –, ja, Ihr uns, das ist doch kein Beweis, daß wir das Euch auch tuen sollen! […] Daß Ihr das uns gegeben habt, – das ist ja ein Beweis dafür, wie dumm Ihr seid!” - Rede vom 4. Dezember 1935
That’s what you get for being tolerant towards intolerance. That was 88 Years ago and you think everybody still falls for that?
I’ve been playing Loop Hero. A lot. And i get frustrated a lot and need some change!
Letztes Jahr gab es den ernsthaften Versuch einer gewaltsamen Übernahme des Reichstags, sorry Bundestags.
war das nicht schon 2020?
this does not look like mexico to me.