Call Me Mañana

🇧🇷 Latino-Americano. Estudante de Física. Marxista.

A propósito, eu uso Arch.

🇻🇦 Latinus-Americanus. Discipulus Physicae. Marxista.

Ipse Arch utor per viam.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • investigative journalists in authoritarian countries

    You mean like the US? Who achieved the feat of persecuting a foreign journalist as if he were an American citizen?

    EDIT: I know that Mullvad is also critical of american surveillance, but I find it very funny that when in the West they call a state democratic that does exactly the same (or worse) than a state in the East that they call “authoritarian”. It really reveals how empty of meaning this word is. “Ah, but these Western states have ‘democratic institutions’.” News for you: the states you call “authoritarian” have them too. In both cases, they can be and de facto are dictatorships.

  • I don’t think people’s right to generate whatever image they want to jerk off to is fundamental or more important than avoiding “AI” scams and CSAM generation. There are other ways to jerk off: there’s plenty of real people porn online and also lots, lots, lots of hentai, for literally every taste. “AI” porn only has two particularities that are not satisfied by these two options, one is to generate the scene you want, and for the very remote possibility that what you have imagined has never been produced before, you can pay an artist to To do so, another is Deep Fake porn, which should be a crime, it doesn’t matter if you’re not going to publish the image.

  • No, and that’s why I don’t use Google or anything that isn’t encrypted and sends any data that I consider private to some datacenter. And even when I know the data is encrypted, I am careful, as anyone should be, with data leaving your computer and going to someone else’s.

    “AI” is not the same thing. Why would I want my prompt to be private if I don’t want to use the result in some malicious way, be it generating CSAM or using it to cheat someone to write an article, or to generate a Deep Fake video of someone for an internet scam?

  • I don’t see a problem with that, I think that this information should be public, both prompt and result, because:

    • a. The “AIs” companies already know that, why shouldn’t anyone else?
    • b. They use public information to train their models, thus their results should also be public.
    • c. This would be the ultimate way to know that something was “AI” generated.

    This is a very different subject from giving acess for your DMs. The only ones who benefit from this information not being publicly available are those who use “AI” for malicious purposes, while everyone benefits from privacy of correspondence.

  • In my country, this generational divide doesn’t make much sense. But comparing those born in the 90s and early 2000s with those born from the late 2000s onwards, there is a fundamental difference: there was, even in the public education system, a variety of computer courses available to many people. With the arrival and hegemony of the app model, which is designed with the idea that it is intuitive and does not require anyone to be taught how to use it, computer courses have been disappearing. As a result, millions of young people use computers daily and have no knowledge of simple concepts such as shortcuts Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, let alone advanced features of Office suites, not to mention that they have no idea what LATEX and Markdown are.

  • Responding to the part you added later: the question is not simply having individual use value, which one could argue that prostitution has, the question is whether labor transforms matter into merchandise or not, in short, whether it produces or not value (having value and producing value are different things).

    (Paintings, Movies, TV Shows, Games etc) shouldn’t be included either because there is no tangible value being created.

    No, there is tangible value being created. You take the combined work of everyone involved in production and end up with a commodity. Paintings, Movies, TV Shows and Games are commodities.

  • It shouldn’t be, that’s what I’m saying. It’s unproductive labor, in the sense that it doesn’t produce value. The service sector is paid with the product produced by the producing sector (mainly industry and agriculture). Counting their “production” is counting the same money twice. Artists as a whole don’t necessarily fit into the service sector, because their work can produce value, depending on how they work. For example, craftsmen and musicians who record their music produce value, because their work is transformed into a commodity.

    EDIT: I know I spoke a bit confusingly, but English is not my primary language and I read Marx in my language, so I don’t know the precise translation of many terms.