Reddit refuge, Linux enthusiast, GrapheneOS loyalist & beer consumer par excellence.

  • 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • I completely agree with your assessment especially with how most social media these days really dumbs down the entry level effort needed to participate in discussions.

    And to your point, participating on a BBS (which usually requires a more specific interest and consequently a similar engagement level) will generally reward you with a community that is more civil, friendly and worth frequenting.

  • “JS is his baby that’s all there needs to be said about the person’s motivations.”

    During these formative years of the Web, web pages could only be static, lacking the capability for dynamic behavior after the page was loaded in the browser. There was a desire in the flourishing web development scene to remove this limitation, so in 1995, Netscape decided to add a scripting language to Navigator. They pursued two routes to achieve this: collaborating with Sun Microsystems to embed the Java programming language, while also hiring Brendan Eich to embed the Scheme language.”

    I think you’re confusing the reasons behind the initial intent of JS versus what it has evolved into almost 30 years later.

  • Agreed.

    I don’t particularly care for streaming services either, and the reason I mentioned that app was because I use it to essentially “rip” music from Spotify, download it to a folder and then use another music player app to create custom playlists. It’s the closest option I can come to without having the actual CDs to rip from.

    And the iPods were indeed great little devices that had plenty of storage and made customizing playlists easy and enjoyable. Those were the days 😉.

  • This was a great series to be sure!

    Like you, I have unfortunately lost the physical CDs over time which I also used to rip to my pc and copy to other places as well.

    However, I did stumble across an app called Spotiflyer which I use to download songs/albums from Spotify (and other services) for free and then listen to them offline. It’s great to have locally stored media vs. having to be chained to online services.

    That being said, I haven’t listened to that Billy Holiday album, but you’ve got my interest piqued and I’ll definitely check it out.

  • I don’t think Jerboa supports ‘native notifications’ which means it relies on other services (such as Google Play Services) in order to push notifications to your phone. Some applications (such as Fairmail, F-Droid) don’t rely on Google’s services and use the OS’s native notification abilities.