xXthrowawayXx [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2022


  • So you kinda can’t get directly to where you wanna be from where you are.

    Everybody’s got preconceived notions and grows up in propaganda and it takes a little while to get used to the They Live glasses and start really operating based on the perception you get through them.

    I would recommend citations needed, blowback and the deprogram first and foremost and once you’re through those revisit the question.

    Those three are primarily for a western audience. I assumed since you’re posting in English and on Midwest.social but if you’re from like idk India or South Africa lmk and I’ll try to dig equivalent stuff up.

  • What do you already know?

    There is no wrong answer to this question.

    You could say something like “socialism is when the government does stuff” or “socialism is when they take your funco pops and give them to everyone else” or “socialism is when you don’t talk to your best friend because they’re a revisionist.”

    Two hundred years of history has wrought a mighty warp in our understanding of even simple things.

    It’s important to know where you’re at because some of the learning about socialism material is like “it’s possible not to suffer” and some of it is like “British utopian communist ideology kept American parties from escaping Trotskyism”.