zifnab25 [he/him, any]

  • 32 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but it’s so obvious this isn’t about fairness in sports…

    Conservatives in 2004: “These fucking spoiled Millennials just want participation trophies for everything!”

    Conservatives in 2024: “These fucking hyper-competitive Zoomers won’t even give me my participation trophy!”

    I hope the students cause a ruckus

    For shit like this, the best thing that can happen is that nobody shows and the TPUSA crowd has to go trolling around campus trying to pick fights with randos.

  • $89k and rising. My water bill jumped 9% this year, because the pipes have been bursting at record rates thanks years of heat waves. My electricity bill can get north of $600/mo during the worst of the summer. My grocery bills have been steadily climbing while shrinkflation eats into the size of what I’m bringing home. My car is getting towards its last legs and everything on the market appears to be a few grand over MSRP, because every dealership insists “Sorry, we only have a few left in stock!” Can’t get out of a vet visit for less than $500.

    Seems like everything I buy that I think is an upgrade ends up falling apart faster than what its replacing, too.

    Walls really feel like they’re closing in everywhere.

  • I mean, the police spokesmodel charged with disseminating German state agitprop?

    Or the random chud cop running around in ten tons of tacti-cool SWAT gear?

    You’d get some bullshit about the Palestinian Conference being a hotbed of terrorism and extremism that threatens Germany’s national security from the former. You might even get some memelord-inspired claims about actual Hamas Terror Fighters being in attendance or a rumor of bomb making material on site.

    From the latter? I imagine the best you’d get was “They were breaking the law” and “Listen, we’re just doing our jobs to try and keep you safe.”

  • The problem with firing Mike Johnson is being, once again, stuck unable to replace him with anybody.

    Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, who has been proposed by some members of the far-right Freedom Caucus as a potential alternative to Johnson, said he does not support ousting the current speaker over his foreign aid package. “We don’t need that, no way. We don’t want that. We shouldn’t go through that again. That’s a bad idea,” Jordan said.

    “You are not going to get a majority of votes for any new person,” added Rep. Garret Graves, a close ally of former Speaker McCarthy.

    So I imagine they’ll all hold their breath and look very angry, while punting through to 2025.

  • Flipping through my history book on Egypt and looking at the chapters after 1956. Gotta say, I hope it ends better than this.

    The Suez Crisis signaled the decline of British/French hegemony, but it ushered in a new era of American hegemony. I would not call it a “humbling episode for the West” nearly so much as a changing of the guard.

    I genuinely dread what arises from the wrecked state of Ukraine in subsequent decades. A rapidly rearmed Western Europe would not be what I would describe as a move towards the “Good Timeline”, particularly given how modern German Greens and their AfD rivals echo the sentiments of a certain prior national socialist political movement.