Some people change their socks every single day, to me that’s a little to much. I’m more of a 2-3days kinda guy. Is changing socks each day absolutely necessary?

Edit: Obviously something is wrong with me, I’ll take some time to rethink my life decisions and buy more socks! 😅 Edit2: I mostly wear wool socks, I hope that justifies this a bit…

  • neidu2
    10 months ago

    Depends what I’m doing. On an average home office day I barely even wear socks outside of dropping the kids off at school, so the pair that ~I’m currently wearing~ is on the floor next to my bed has been used three days in a row.

    When I’m doing field work it usually means long days of wearing shoes, often in hot climate, and often loafing around airports. For those days I always pack three extra pairs of clean socks to have in my kit.