Interessante publicaties, blogs, video’s en audio’s gerelateerd aan mijn werk als informatieprofessional.

  • LeenLiefOPM
    8 months ago

    The Truth Is in There: The Library of Babel and Generative AI

    Generative artificial intelligence offerings such as ChatGPT are being retooled and developed so rapidly that anyone who attempts to write about them risks their words being outdated before they reach publication. As we reckon with how generative AI is shaping our relationships with work, information, and one another, it is worth trying to analogize our current experience to others, real or imagined, to see what perspective we might find.


    #kunstmatige intelligentie

    Mijn notes:

    “The act of trusting any source of information — a book, a website, a data collection instrument, a human being — is an act of believing that someone has checked the information against real-world circumstances. Reporters have spoken to witnesses to an event; researchers have conducted experiments; and engineers have tested and calibrated instruments to ensure their readings are sufficiently accurate. Of course, people lie or misinterpret observed circumstances, but in doing so, they are still making an appeal based on some form of external validation. By contrast, the outputs of ChatGPT have ever been checked against real-world circumstances.”

    “We may view generative AI as one method among many for understanding the world, but we should not mistake it for the world itself.”