Calling them “free-form ads,” Reddit said the new advertisements are its most native format ever, designed to look and feel like community content shared by real people.

The ads, meant to mimic the site’s megathreads, will enable advertisers to utilize a variety of formats in one post, including images, videos, and text.

According to numbers from Reddit, free-form ads got 28% more clicks than all other types of ads on the site and saw a jump in community engagement.

The next time you see an interesting post in your Reddit feed, take a closer look - because it might just be a paid advertisement.

  • @Asafum
    202 months ago

    I literally would look for reddit posts about suggestions for various things specifically because they weren’t ads.

    Thanks spez for fucking killing one of the few resources I had that wasn’t just paid bullshit lying about what products are worth a shit…

      212 months ago

      Let’s be honest here. Reddit had been astroturfed for over a decade, and a majority of posts that spoke favourably of products were ads.

      The only value Reddit had in that regard is through Google surfacing the valuable discussions and content (e.g. the ones that weren’t the ads).