• @helenslunch
    125 days ago

    I think Gnome is great. I use KDE on my Steam Deck and it’s fine, but very dated and ugly. Looks too much like Windows. Same reason I wont recommend Mint.

      • @Sentau@discuss.tchncs.de
        324 days ago

        My father uses a mac and it is plenty different. Maybe the design philosophy of MacOS and GNOME are similar but the implementation is very different.

        • @boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net
          124 days ago

          What is different? I think GNOME diverged a bit more, by removing window buttons, desktop icons, the dock etc. And they dont use blur and transparency at all.

          But with dash to dock, blur my shell and some decoration manipulation changer it is very similar.

          Not that I dont think this makes sense (I dont, as having a dock but also a top panel wastes space) but it is not really a unique workflow

          • @Sentau@discuss.tchncs.de
            124 days ago

            Well the way the workspaces and the overview work is completely different which means that workflow is night and day different. Not to mention how the differences in how floating windows work, what role the top panel plays and things like that.

            They might look similar just like how KDE ‘looks’ similar to windows but that is only true at the surface level. The way the desktops behave and hence the workflow is very different in each case

          • @Hadriscus@lemm.ee
            124 days ago

            Removing window buttons ? the trio of buttons for controlling window size ? or is this something else

            • @boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net
              224 days ago

              Yep. And removing the maximize button doesnt even make sense, apart from “looking better”. Not everyone can easily double click I guess

      • @TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
        224 days ago

        I never understand the “Gnome is a MacOS clone” thing.

        Other than a black bar at the top which has the time and a few system icons, what to they really have in common?

        The workflow is entirely different, the dock is almost always hidden in Gnome, MacOS has no activities view, Gnome doesn’t even use the icon in the top left as a start-menu.

        • @boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net
          24 days ago

          Yes it is MacOS with the dock hidden. And without window buttons. And they are not on the left and not damn colorblind unfriendly.

          I mean the top bar is the exact same, the app drawer, the workspaces. The quicksettings. They just removed even more stuff.

          Edit: there are many things about them that are different, but the overall design seems similar to me. I think GNOME is way more usable and makes more sense. But still, having a top bar already is kinda odd and I think using that already makes you “macOS like”.

          • @TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
            224 days ago

            No it isn’t.

            The top bar isn’t the exact same, it’s extremely different. Gnome doesn’t use a global menu, doesn’t have a start menu, doesn’t have the clock on the right. The only similarity is the bar being at the top and containing stuff like WiFi and battery icons.

            The window decorations are different. The UI looks different. Gnome doesn’t have a permanent dock, doesn’t have stuff on the desktop. Window management works in a very different way, MacOS doesn’t have the activities view, etc.

            They are not alike.