Admin on the Lemmy instance.
He/Him or what ever you feel like.
Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.
E2ee is not everything, as most of the privacy sensitive metadata can still be collected. Sure it is nice to have, but even more important is that you can chose a trustworthy server operator or run your own. XMPP allows doing that, but it has some weaknesses with client implementations and so on.
I am a bit biased and would say all in all XMPP is probably the best option right now, but it depends on your specific priorities. It certainly has some rough edges though.
Thanks for volunteering. I made you mod on /c/composting just now.
Please post a bit about your composting efforts :)
Cockpit is a simpler choice for that.
Ok CPU and NVMe cooler upgraded. Should be all for now.
That is why I said it depends. There are many places where electricity cuts for a short duration are quite frequent. Often you don’t even notice it, but a 24/7 server would be effected.
In general, I think the risk of laptop batteries catching fire is overstated especially if you limit the charge to 80% or so. So weighting these two issues against each other you can come out either way, but I think for most places it will come down towards a UPS being nice to have.
Depends. Usually it is still good as a UPS for a few minutes, and some laptops have a bios option to limit full charge which lowers the risk even further.
On another technical note: I finally got around installing the solar-panels on the roof of the place that acts as the “datacenter” for the SLRPNK servers. The servers were already running on battery charged at night since March of this year (mostly wind and geothermal grid power then) and now I will try to run them fully on solar-power.
It’s not a complete off-grid system, so if there is a power shortage it will still pull from the grid (which at peak times is sadly still 60% fossil fuel here), but I am reasonably confident that most of the time this will not be necessary as the battery has sufficient capacity.
You might want to first identify your main power consumption and at what time this occurs. 300$ seems very high in general, but if that is for example mostly AC usage during the day, you might be able to not have to buy as large of a battery since peak consumption coincidences with peak production.
While your post does mention notifications which really helps with engagement and was lacking from most forums, the main issue was IMHO lack of good mobile support of all the main forum platforms until as you said Discourse came along, but by then it was too late.
Rather than focussing on the real issues (like they promised in the coalition treaty) such as the lack of affordable housing in the cities, they try to appease AfD voters with stupid populism. This will backfire for sure.
It would be also really useful to have a database of oil company executives and other shitty people that aren’t easy to recognize but worth refusing service etc.
The Photon dev also made a greenish theme that is quite nice:
What kind of material and size limitations are there?
Indeed pretty nice.
Since Snikket is just an XMPP server, it can be used with desktop apps like Dino as well.
All the corporate gamification feature are probably quite annoying.
It really is an enterprise solution and I doubt your family will be happy with it.
Why not just set up a Snikket server and use that? You can easily create group-chats and share pictures and videos there and the interface is similar to WhatsApp.
AFAIK waren die schon immer in Riga und es wird nicht in Russland entwickelt. Aber ja, die Gründer gehöhren zu der relativ großen russischsprachigen Minderheit in Lettland und es gibt Firmenbeziehungen nach Russland, aber das war bis vor kurzem ziemlich normal in den baltischen Staaten.
Wenn dein Handy eSIM Unterstützung hat gibt es ganz gute ausländische Angebote. z.B. hab ich von BNE eSIM einen Datenvertrag der in ganz Europa gültig ist (nicht nur das zeitlich limitierte EU roaming) und mir nie ablaufende 20GB Daten gibt. Hab ich jetzt c.a. ein Jahr und insgesammt 3GB verbraucht (Ich nutze es fast nur für XMPP mobil), d.h. ein paar Jahre sollten die 20GB reichen, und sonst kann man auch einfach nachbuchen.
You can grow oyster mushrooms at home, there are nice ready made kits to buy.
There are some clients that support the latest version of OMEMO, but yes, since the most popular ones do not, you end up using the older version most of the time. That said, the older version is not generally unsafe, it basically is the same as WhatsApp or Signal are using. The newer version is just somewhat better as it includes some lessons learned from earlier attempts.