
They didn’t refute their Jewishness. They “refute their Jewishness in a holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people,” which is precisely what you’re doing by misquoting them.


I simply cannot fathom the moral rot in someone’s soul that leads them to win an award for a movie about the Holocaust and with the platform given to them, to accept that award by saying, “We stand here as men who refute their Jewishness.”

  • Sunforged@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    You reduced almost a million people who were killed for their political views to “miscellaneous” because they aren’t a part of your religious group. People that were targeted first and foremost because they were an actual threat to Nazism and not just a convenient scapegoat.

    People matter, and regardless of who they are from birth, they matter equally.

    You say that but then other them so nonchalantly that I don’t even think you’re aware how flippant your words are.

    Read this again in the context that’s its a near million people murdered for their political views.

    and then let’s be absolutely honest. Miscellaneous.