It is against US law to provide weapons to forces who block United States humanitarian assistance. And that is exactly what is happening right now

  • yarr
    6 months ago

    5 reasons we should question allyship with Israel:

    The human rights issue: Israel has a controversial history when it comes to its treatment of Palestinians. The construction of settlements, demolition of homes, and other policies have resulted in significant human rights violations. In recent years, these events have led to increased criticism against Israel from humanitarian organizations and global citizens alike. As a nation committed to protecting human rights around the globe, the U.S. should be questioning whether its support for Israel aligns with this core value.

    The Middle East Tensions: The ongoing conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors continues to fuel tension throughout the region. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in particular, remains a critical source of instability in the Middle East. Given the importance of the region for U.S. energy security, this unrest risks undermining America’s strategic interests. By continuing to back Israel without encouraging more conciliatory measures toward peace, the U.S. could find itself embroiled in regional turmoil.

    U.S. Public Opinion: Despite being an important ally for Washington, support for Israel among American citizens is not as solid as it once was. A Gallup poll conducted in 2018 found that while Americans still sympathized more with Israel than with the Palestinians (45% vs 16%), the gap had narrowed significantly since 1978. This suggests that some people within the country are starting to question the wisdom of maintaining such close ties with Israel.

    Israel’s Nuclear Program: While the United States adheres to nonproliferation treaties aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons, Israel has never signed them. Moreover, it is widely believed that Israel possesses a large nuclear arsenal, despite never having officially acknowledged this fact. Some argue that by supporting Israel, the United States is effectively condoning a double standard when it comes to nonproliferation efforts.

    Geopolitical Implications: Lastly, there are geostrategic reasons why the U.S. should reconsider its relationship with Israel. The recent emergence of Turkey and Iran as regional powers necessitates that the United States builds strong relationships with these countries. However, staunch U.S. support for Israel makes it difficult to establish trusting diplomatic relations with both Turkey and Iran. This dynamic may ultimately hamper America’s broader regional goals and security interests.

    Is the juice worth the squeeze? We send untold millions to Israel every year. Should it continue? Or should we examine our friendships more closely?