The RAND Corporation study that was used as the template for America’s war in Ukraine specifically outlines the scenario where Russia reindustralises and wins. The conclusion is: this is unlikely, but would be catastrophic.
Working for war think tanks has to be so fun. You get to play board games and call it productive work, get paid $100k to role play, and then the DM turns in a report of the game to the president
The RAND Corporation study that was used as the template for America’s war in Ukraine specifically outlines the scenario where Russia reindustralises and wins. The conclusion is: this is unlikely, but would be catastrophic.
Working for war think tanks has to be so fun. You get to play board games and call it productive work, get paid $100k to role play, and then the DM turns in a report of the game to the president
You ever read a job description and think “wow, kinda wish I was a total piece of shit now”
I remember this study but I’m having trouble finding it, any chance you have a link?
Seconding the request for any help finding it.