I’m sick of posts complaining about Biden’s debate performance, or his age, or his response to Gaza. Comments saying he should step aside or “we coulda had Bernie.”

Shut the fuck up.

Biden is the nominee. He is the person Americans need to vote for to prevent another Trump presidency. Simple as that. There is no other option. The DNC isn’t going to change their nominee in July of an election year. You’re an idiot if you genuinely think otherwise.

It’s fine to criticize a president. Even one you support. But we are four months from the next election and all posts and comments attacking Biden right now are fuel for Trump. I don’t care if you’re a Russian troll or a well-meaning progressive. Criticizing Biden right now helps Trump win. Full stop.

Get your heads out of your asses and realize what is at stake.

  • Sami@lemmy.zip
    3 months ago

    Nobody is owed the peoples’ vote. You can stick your head in the sand and pretend that everything is fine but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t pan out come election time in the US given past and current polling. Also, the whole Russian troll/useful idiot accusation that gets leveled at everyone who feels differently about anything from Biden’s chances at winning to his responsibility for what’s happening in Gaza is very condescending and shows a complete lack of flexibility in thought other towing the official party line. I wonder what you would say if Biden willingly chose to resign tomorrow.

      • Sami@lemmy.zip
        3 months ago

        No, but I am Middle Eastern and Canadian and am impacted by US policy whether I like it or not.

        • Optional@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Okay. Well, I think what’s going on there is horrible, and that Israel’s authoritarian government is utterly criminal, so for what ever part we’re playing in that, i disagree with it, and if we make it out of here alive, I’m going to jump on that train with both feet.

          To do that, I need Biden to win. We can’t make it better any other way, for a hundred different reasons, and that’s probably counter-intuitive and maybe it seems like there must be some other way there but there really, really isn’t. It’s an all-or-nothing situation, and every thread where anti-Biden people are complaining it doesn’t help.

          I wish it could be as simple as directing them to make the decisions and agreements the majority want, but it just isn’t. Trump is doom for so many things that I, and a bunch of other people think it’s bizarre anyone would fight the effort to take him down. And that’s how we see these absolutely valid and important criticisms of Biden and the current situation.

          The fact that it’s divisive is exactly why russia also does it. They want trump to win for - well, many reasons, all of them bad. So I don’t think you’re saying anything you don’t believe, and I don’t think the people complaining about Biden criticisms are wrong either. It’s probably really hard to see how we could want the same thing. But, we do. We both want to prevent things from getting worse.

          Because of that, as a matter of course, the most important thing is to defeat trump. Because everything is going to be in a kind of stasis until then. Yes it’s stupid, we agree, yes it’s wasteful and wrong and we should have a better system - we agree.