I see the rules currently state “Nothing from realistic models trying to generate real people.”

To verify I understand this correctly, does this mean realistic imagery is OK as long as it does not mimic the likeness of a real person (aka deepfakes)?

For example, a photo-realistic image of a body builder is OK, but a photo-realistic image of Arnold Schwarzenegger is not?

  • Liminal Iniquity@burggit.moeOP
    1 year ago

    Agreed. Just finished doing some research on porn laws in the Netherlands since that’s where Burgit is hosted, and thus those laws need to be followed at a minimum. According to Wikipedia, realistic depictions of minors is illegal in the Netherlands, regardless of if a real person is depicted or not. There is an example exception that cherubs don’t count because the addition of wings makes them unrealistic, though that’s uncited. There was also an arrest of an individual who possessed simulated CP that was “indistinguishable from reality at first glance.”

    I’d say if someone’s going to post AI loli, it needs to be something that you could tell wasn’t real “at first glance.” Pixar or anime style at most realistic, for example.

      • Disa@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        For the Burggit rules, the first image (the one you uploaded) is very obviously not real, and is 100% allowed.

        The images you linked from Pixiv I would say would be a hard-no if they were uploaded here and would probably be deleted. I as a visually impaired person, could not tell the difference between either of those images and reality at first glance. The second one I couldn’t register as AI generated at all.

        The first pixiv image I did eventually register it was AI, but it took me a little while to do so, had to actively look for it.