I feel like I get nothing emotionally out of socializing with people. Even when I’m around close friends and family, I basically feel nothing. This makes it so I don’t even go out seeking social events anymore and have a lot of difficulty making friends. I know that I have to go outside and interact with people instead of staying in my bedroom 24/7 like some kind of hermit if I want to be a healthy and well adjusted adult, but I have no drive to do so. It’s not even a social anxiety issue or a lack of social skills. When I am around others, they even tend to like me. I feel like some kind of sociopath for not being able to like them back though.

Does anyone else have this issue? Is there anything I can do about it? The past several years of my life since I stopped beating myself up my emotional state has been basically a flat line. I feel live I’m incapable of truly living as opposed to just continuing to exist.