fitgirl has it. gameplay feels kinda dated, but with some nice additions. Looks pretty good, and the horde engine is cool, lots of baddies to shoot. Unless the pvp and online coop modes are amazing, I can’t imagine it being worth 60$, but for the price of free, i’m digging it.

    23 days ago

    Honestly it is boring, i don’t like tyranids as a faction because how monotonous they are and it checks out in this game as hell, orks and chaos in 1st felt more personal and here i am just wading into knee-deep carpet of gaunts literally all the time. There is also basically no feel of how powerful marines should feel because even in universe tyranids are the worst enemies for that. Also neither close nor ranged combat is fun, because i wade in gaunt carpet all the time and it feel tiring to play.

    EDIT: i played some more and i changed my mind: it sucks. Even on easy it’s too hard for me, and its tedious as fuck, every time i die from the unending waves of the tyranid warriors i have to FIGHT THEM ALL AGAIN, and the combat in this game is tedious and monotonous as fuck.

    Also the mission loading screens looks like in X-com for some reason which cause great sadness in me, how i would wish to get new x-com instead of this shit.

    I liked the first game and even played it again lately, but this one is way worse.