fitgirl has it. gameplay feels kinda dated, but with some nice additions. Looks pretty good, and the horde engine is cool, lots of baddies to shoot. Unless the pvp and online coop modes are amazing, I can’t imagine it being worth 60$, but for the price of free, i’m digging it.

  • regul [any]
    23 days ago

    Idk why the fuck I’d play a Space Marine game without enemies with faux cockney accents yelling “SPEHS MUHREEN!?”. Can a tyranid yell with a faux cockney accent?

    23 days ago

    Honestly it is boring, i don’t like tyranids as a faction because how monotonous they are and it checks out in this game as hell, orks and chaos in 1st felt more personal and here i am just wading into knee-deep carpet of gaunts literally all the time. There is also basically no feel of how powerful marines should feel because even in universe tyranids are the worst enemies for that. Also neither close nor ranged combat is fun, because i wade in gaunt carpet all the time and it feel tiring to play.

    EDIT: i played some more and i changed my mind: it sucks. Even on easy it’s too hard for me, and its tedious as fuck, every time i die from the unending waves of the tyranid warriors i have to FIGHT THEM ALL AGAIN, and the combat in this game is tedious and monotonous as fuck.

    Also the mission loading screens looks like in X-com for some reason which cause great sadness in me, how i would wish to get new x-com instead of this shit.

    I liked the first game and even played it again lately, but this one is way worse.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    23 days ago

    I read the lowest review (68/100) for this and it was basically “Game is fun, but the first game had a better campaign and more focus with more diverse gameplay because the Orks actually used tactics” which seems fair. I’ll pirate it eventually, fuck the pricing they’ve put on it.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        22 days ago

        It looks really cool visually but I can definitely see it getting old without variety. Gears of War kinda understood this, or at least some of those games did. I sort of see Space Marine as similar in style.

        22 days ago

        It is not, to the point i played there are 5 kinds of enemies:

        1. melee gaunts - rely on numbers and running around and strafing to confuse the hell out of you what is even happening around you
        2. ranged gaunts - rely on being small not very visible and shoots you from some distance
        3. tyranid warriors - rely on being hard as fuck and forcing twitch manual fingerbreak every few seconds, also on numbers, even on easy there are many of them.
        4. ranged warriors but they are easier than gaunts since you can see them better, they also just kinda stand in one place
        5. zoanthropes, absolutely miserable shit 10 times harder than they should be and bombarding you non stop with very hard to avoid fire which also staggers you all the time

        Oh there was also Carnifex at one point but it was easier to fight than the warriors, but scripted so you couldn’t defeat it.

        I must admit all of those maybe except ranged warriors are very effective against my old and somewhat damaged nervous system.

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    23 days ago

    They’d never do this but I think it would be a really cool sequel if you could play this game front the Tyranid perspective.

    Imagine if you played as a sort of avatar of the hive mind or a facet of it. You warp into the swarm’s command unit and fight while issuing broad instructions that directs the swarm.

    Your “lives” are the amount of command units in the swarm that are available. Die once and warp out of the dead command unit and into the next up until the swarm is out of command units.

    The upgrade tree would be pretty easy: you get better commands as you level up and you get auras or global unit bonuses that reflect whatever exists in the tabletop game. I guess you could probably “summon” reinforcement units from underground and get better command units as you progress too.

    The game could switch between swarm battles and solo missions where you have to do things like infiltrate or by other conceits of the narrative, such as breaching through the walls of a compound with the swarm and then on the next level inside the compound there’s a terminator or something that just obliterates your underlings, leaving you to duke it out with them 1-to-1 before proceeding through the compound solo.

    Having to balance between commanding, staying back and using ranged attacks, or playing as the tip of the spear would allow for different play styles and it would be challenging because you would have to adjust your strategy to be most effective.

      23 days ago

      There is no tyranid perspective anywhere in Warhammer because that would gave people too much info about the tyranids and toppled the carefully maintained alienness of them. Even when you can play Tyranid campaigns like in Battlefleet Gothic 2, the story is from other PoV.

        22 days ago

        The Tau got a mid FPS back in 2003! Then there’s that mid VR game where you play as a Sister of Battle.

        I really want a game where you play as an Eldar. You could have all of the aspects as selectable classes with wildly different gameplay between them, it would be great.

        22 days ago

        I think Speed Freeks is still free. Orks vs Orks combat racing game. I haven’t played in a couple months so IDK what direction its taking but last time I dropped into a game it was fun as fuck.

        22 days ago

        Some of them, minus mobile and card games:

        1. Speed Freeks - some kind of racing game with orks
        2. Rogue Trader - There’s two recruitable marines but you can just skip them
        3. Darktide - no marines
        4. Shootas Blood & Teef - platformer/shooter with orks
        5. Inquisitor: Martyr - hack&slash with playable inquisitor, assassin, techpriest, psyker and battle sister in DLC.
        6. Two games from Necromunda, seems like multi shooters so i’m not very interested
        7. Mechanicus - one of my favourite games from entire 40k franchise, x-com genre strategy with roguelike elements, great immersion
        8. Battlefleet Gothic 1 and 2 - ok that’s cheating since it’s basically RTS, but in space and you can skip marines entirely since they are only subfaction. 2 have Imperium, Chaos, Tyranids and Necron full campaigns. Skallgrim mod on moddb is mandatory it triples the amount of ships including some really huge ones, and it have submods allowing recruiting ork ships for chaos (and Eldar or Tau for Imperium)
        9. Battlesector - campaign is marines only but in other modes you can play every faction, there are Tyranids, Orks, Necron, Sisters and Khorne demons (some in DLC)
        10. Gladius - underfucked and pale civilisation 40k, but it have a lot of factions. Not recommended though, game is very shallow.
        11. Battle sister, VR only and another shooter? Idk, writing this line is more interest than it will get from me ever
        12. Armageddon, one of the better strategies from 40k, it has DLC campaign where you play as orks
        13. Dakka squadron - aerial shooter with orks
        14. Fire Warrior - quite fun but old fps, afaik only game you play as Tau. As a bonus there is a very fun book written on a base of that game, when the writer in a true spirit of old warhammer don’t do the thing with toning down the epicness that is always the case when book are written on base of games, but in the book the lone novice Fire Warrior tear a second asshole into everything imperium and chaos throw at him.
        15. Rites of War: old as fuck but still one of the best games in genre, you play as Asuryani
        16. Final Liberation - only game on a base of epic scale and damn good one at that, but also old enough to make playing pretty painful because it hates your mouse
  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    23 days ago

    It runs super choppy as shit on my rig after the first intro mission and I put it down until it seems like there’s some updates or discussions on how to fix it so I don’t feel like I’m rubber banding everywhere

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
        22 days ago

        Eh my computer tech is a decade old, top of the line when I built it because I said I don’t want to fuck with expensive new shit for years down the line, so I think this may be a case of it simply hitting the hard wall of performance for what the hardware is capable of. I’ll probably fuck with the settings more a week or two down the line to see if it’s a software thing that gets patched by the devs or if it’s a hardware thing.

        Which funny enough now that I think of it, it can run Wukong plenty fine enough, so it must be the software

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    23 days ago

    Look up weapon list

    8 fucking primaris bolter variants that all do the same thing

    maddened James Workshop!

    Also from the bit of gameplay I saw I find it funny they’re still using the Thunderhawk since there is a new primaris-sized ship called an Overlord, but I guess because it doesn’t have a model they didn’t have permission to use it.

    22 days ago

    Can barely get a controller working on PC. You’re screwed if you wanna Steam Link stream it to a big TV.