Basically a repost pf things I said in the mega, but anecdotally I’m hearing that sales of fiction read by men are dropping precipitously, and English and literature classes in colleges are now dominated by women. It seems like young men are not being exposed to literature in the same way that they used to. Like, when I was in high school and college, you could be a “bro” kind of guy and read Chuck Palahniuk, or Hunter S. Thompson, or David Foster Wallace. For decades, authors like Hemmingway and Bukowski found receptive audiences in young men, not to mention all the crime fiction, horror, sci-fi, and fantasy that men have traditionally consumed. The “guy in your English class who loves David Foster Wallace” was a stereotype for a reason. I read in another thread that music is less culturally important to young men than it used to be. It seems like younger men just straight up see no value in reading literature or fiction, or exposing themselves or critically engaging with art and music, because the algorithms just railroad them into Alpha Gridset world.

Am I wrong about this? Am I being condescending and out of touch, or is this a real thing that’s happening, where the whole “male” culture is turning into grindset podcasts and streamers?

Edit: Okay, so the impression I’m getting is that everything is worse but also kind of the same as it ever was, which sounds right.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    17 天前

    Anything that demands engagement or effort from the reader is denounced as ‘badly written’.



    soypoint-1 ding soypoint-2

    It drives me a bit mad tbh, because at the same time that people smugly reject good literature, you can see that they’re unfulfilled reading the same old dreck for the millionth time.

    I think there is an unexamined craving for stimulating literature, the kind that actually provokes additional lasting thought about what is read, but that doesn’t boost sales in the short term the way “My Boyfriend Is A Billionaire Navy SEAL Werewolf” or “Space Captain Murica Murderfucks The Cosmos” does.

    lack of beautifully written prose that focuses on the interior life

    From what I’ve seen, most people don’t even know they might enjoy that and are just looking for some kind of perfect slop instead, sort of like a malnourished person that only has corn syrup options at a food desert might keep trying new food coloring varieties hoping to feel less sick.

    • The_sleepy_woke_dialectic [he/him]
      17 天前

      Its crazy how important a book can be. A whole concept can be understood by a culture almost entirely through the lens of one piece of literature. It makes me think of the post “Sci-fi short stories are very efficient. You read something in 20 minutes and think about it for the rest of your life”

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        17 天前

        Its crazy how important a book can be. A whole concept can be understood by a culture almost entirely through the lens of one piece of literature.

        Yeah. It’s unfortunate that some cultures can pick up some horrid ideas from a particular piece of literature, such as Alan Greenspan and a lot of finance ghouls like him basing Burgerland’s economic policies on a feverish Ayn Rand power fantasy involving magic metal, perpetual motion machines, and actually-smart billionaires that could somehow deliver hours long speeches repeating “fuck you, got mine” and somehow winning over the masses.