
  • The_Jewish_Cuban [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Not only does it have pieces about nothing to do with anything, it also has parts about laying down and taking it on the chin because there’s pie in the sky when you die.

        • VILenin [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Just because you have to work with Christians doesn’t mean you have to support Christianity. Liberation theology is seven people and their dogs and is a perfect example of trying to “fix” Christianity

          • JamesConeZone [they/them]
            1 year ago

            love to discount marxist theology because they have a small number of followers today after they they were brutally murdered by the capitalists. damn I wonder why there are so few indonesian communists around today. liberation theology is very popular in latin america, and its influence is still felt in black american churches. jeremiah wright had to step down from his church for daring to speak out during obama’s presidency run. cornell west is literally running for president right now. it is a popular movement to struggle against the dominance of capitalism within christianity, and it should be supported and commended

            • VILenin [he/him]
              1 year ago

              They were brutally murdered for being communists. They would have been murdered regardless of their faith. I’m not shunning Christians but you’re not gonna get me to support Christianity.

              Christianity wants me dead, it explicitly says that in their holy book. Find me a Christian that says the Bible is wrong. I’ve spent decades dealing with Christians who weren’t afraid to make that known to me, so excuse me if I’m not all sunshine and flowers about it.

              You have to work religion into progressive politics currently because it’s a practical necessity. I’m not a utopian so I accept that it’s the reality.

              • JamesConeZone [they/them]
                1 year ago

                Find me a Christian that says the Bible is wrong

                There are plenty of Christians that disagree with the Bible. The historic church has given a lot of room for errors in the Bible, factual or otherwise. Fundamentalists removed that freedom in the 20th century, and that version of Christianity became the vehicle that the Moral Majority road to power due to its virulent racism, opposite to desegregation, and misogyny. More to the point, I don’t even know what it looks like to “support” an ancient, multifaceted religion with so many branches, beliefs, and billions of adherents. I like China and the DPRK’s stance on Christianity within its borders-- highly regulated by its adherents but overlooked for outside influences by the state.

                But most importantly, I am sorry that you experienced discrimination and/or death threats, comrade. My experience is similar, and it sucks.

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      1 year ago

      At the end of the day, Jesus (or the writings that his cringier followers left behind since I would like to think the historical Jesus was a lot cooler than what was in the Bible) would rather blame a bunch of collaborator Jews than the Roman oppressors who have their sandals on the Judeans’ collective throats. It’s very hard to read his trial with Pilate in the Gospel and not see how the received text constantly tries to downplay Pilate’s role in Jesus’s torture and execution, never mind that Pilate was a colonizer governor who could simply free Jesus with a snap of his fingers and crucify the entire crowd with another snap of his finger since as Roman governor, he had an entire Roman legion under his command. Who were the Pharisees going to complain to, the Emperor himself?

      The Zealots were easily the coolest Jewish factions because unlike the Christians, Pharisees, and Sadducees, they understood who the enemy was and actually tried to do something to rid the people of Judea of the Roman yoke. Sadly, they failed in their historic task, and the surviving Christians and Pharisees would go on to spit on their graves for daring to free themselves.