Edit: so it turns out that every hobby can be expensive if you do it long enough.
Also I love how you talk about your hobby as some addicts.
Edit: so it turns out that every hobby can be expensive if you do it long enough.
Also I love how you talk about your hobby as some addicts.
Gardening is a great way to save money from sitting on your bank account.
The raised beds were only $200 for the wood.
I blended compost with my sandy native dirt for only another $200.
The cute fence around it was another $200 plus… Plus $100 for the new tablesaw blade because I needed it to make it.
The additional irrigation setup was only $80.
I get the fertilizer with my employee discount, only around $100 per year.
The front flower bed was only $400 to make it tiered with retaining blocks.
Then there the $300 per year for flowers etc that I just have to have.
Then there is my vegetable seed bill. That’s relatively cheap, only around $200 per year.
Since I start my plants I from seeds i need a starting setup. That’s $200 for the lights plus another $100 for the heater.
Potting soil and trays are another $75 per year.
Then there’s the steady stream of tools etc that I break or wear out and need to be replaced. Another $200-400 per year.
And then there’s the koi pond…