• context [fae/faer, fae/faer]@hexbear.net
    10 months ago

    If we (consumers) are swayed by emotional inception, then it seems we’re violating this model of economic rationality. Specifically, H. economicus has fixed preferences or fixed goals — in technical jargon, a fixed “utility function.” These are exogenous, unalterable by anyone — not the actor him- or herself and especially not third parties.

    “if ads work that way then the economic model of a rational human – of which no actual instances exist, as i’ve already established – is wrong”

    like yeah, the economic model is wrong, we know that.

    But the point still stands: external agents can, without our permission, alter the contents of our minds and send us scampering off in service of goals that are not ours.

    cultural hegemony and class-based systems of oppression are a real mindfuck, for sure