• Yasuke@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    1 year ago

    What if child porn is made without hurting the kid? Isn’t it still child porn?

    Do you see how stupid this sounds yet?

    And about the video game thing? Drop it because even if you do go there you kinda just prove my point. Humans have done combat sports for how long now? And the reason you play it in game is to simulate doing it in real life because YOU WANT TO DO IT! but what you’re missing is the when and where part. War has a place and so does self defense and combat sports. What place does fucking a child have? You’re looking at the drawing because you want to fuck little kids. You would play the game for the same exact reason but riddle me this……. When is that behavior EVER justified?

    Me playing cod because I think combat is cool and can protect my family has a valid place in society. You fucking kids doesn’t.

    • RA2lover@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      What if child porn is made without hurting the kid? Isn’t it still child porn?

      Do you see how stupid this sounds yet?

      And about the video game thing? Drop it because even if you do go there you kinda just prove my point. Humans have done combat sports for how long now? And the reason you play it in game is to simulate doing it in real life because YOU WANT TO DO IT! but what you’re missing is the when and where part. War has a place and so does self defense and combat sports. What place does fucking a child have? You’re looking at the drawing because you want to fuck little kids. You would play the game for the same exact reason but riddle me this……. When is that behavior EVER justified?

      Me playing cod because I think combat is cool and can protect my family has a valid place in society. You fucking kids doesn’t.

      Going back up the argument chain, if it’s not hurting anyone, the only problem (in your words) would be the temptation aspect, and here I fail to see how a child sex simulation leading to the consumption/creation of CSEM would be any different than a war crimes simulation in leading to the consumption/creation of war crimes, for example.

      • Yasuke@lemmy.fmhy.ml
        1 year ago

        Ah so basically if someone gets kids to have sex and record it and “none of them get hurt” then I guess it’s okay then right?

        Justifying something that majority of society see as a problem in YOUR mind doesn’t suddenly make it socially acceptable and okay……… y’all still sick and most of society would still agree that this shit is wrong.

        • RA2lover@burggit.moe
          1 year ago

          Ah so basically if someone gets kids to have sex and record it and “none of them get hurt” then I guess it’s okay then right?

          Justifying something that majority of society see as a problem in YOUR mind doesn’t suddenly make it socially acceptable and okay……… y’all still sick and most of society would still agree that this shit is wrong.

          Having this being done specifically for recording purposes would definitely fall within the “exploitation” part of CSEM.

          I think we can both agree there’s no place for either child sexual exploitation or war crimes in real life - the popularity of an idea has no relation to how valid it is or should be.

          • Yasuke@lemmy.fmhy.ml
            1 year ago

            Yup but pretending as if that doesn’t mean you actually want to do it does………. So this is pedo logic? Got it.

            • Disa@burggit.moe
              1 year ago

              If someone plays a super realistic violent video game, does that mean that the person actively participating in shooting and killing depictions of people wants to do those things in real life?

              • Yasuke@lemmy.fmhy.ml
                1 year ago

                Possibly and again, given the correct conditions, this may be acceptable. When is it ever acceptable to be attracted to little kids? When is it ever acceptable to fuck a little kid?

                • Disa@burggit.moe
                  1 year ago

                  You’re assuming an attraction to kids, which is not always the case for people viewing this sort of fictional content. Some people like to project onto the loli/shota/cub in the scenario and imagine themselves being dominated by a larger dominant figure, and there are other reasons too. You are assuming people’s motives entirely.

                  For the video game thing: you mention given the correct conditions, this may be acceptable. This seems kind of like a leap in logic, do you genuinely think the majority of people playing violent video games have a justifiable reason for doing so? I don’t know any person who plays video games for a “socially acceptable reason” also, what does it matter what someone does in the privacy of their own home if they are not harming any real person?

                  • Yasuke@lemmy.fmhy.ml
                    1 year ago

                    Congratulations! You’re the first person to ACTUALLY ANSWER MY QUESTION. Maybe if you’re projecting yourself as a child to play out a sexual fantasy for yourself then okay. That’s actually understandable to a degree. I still think it’s super weird but this actually does make some level of sense. But just like you’re allowed to doubt that MOST people are playing violent games for a socially acceptable reason I CAN ALSO STATE AND BELIVE THAT I DOUBT MOST PEOPLE ARE VIEWING THIS CONTENT FOR THAT REASON. And trust me as someone that was sexually abused before if you’re getting off in that way it’s not normal,or natural behavior, and you should probably seek help.

                • RA2lover@burggit.moe
                  1 year ago

                  Ancient rome, for example. Petronius (~27-66AD) depicts in the Satyricon a scene where women are clappping hands to a seven year old child being raped in public.

                  Overton windows don’t stay constant within a society.

                  • Yasuke@lemmy.fmhy.ml
                    1 year ago

                    Wtf? We’re talking about current social standards not mid evil times. Go back to the drawing board and try to come back with something that makes actual sense and is applicable in current times.

      • Yasuke@lemmy.fmhy.ml
        1 year ago

        The difference, again, is that given the correct conditions combat is justified. The story of the game could matter much less because you could just simply enjoy the combat. And there is more than one reason someone could enjoy combat outside of “I want to randomly shoot people” and I clearly stated a few of them. I’ll ask again. When is it EVER SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE TO BE ATTRACTED TO AND FUCK KIDS?!