• Yasuke@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    1 year ago

    Congratulations! You’re the first person to ACTUALLY ANSWER MY QUESTION. Maybe if you’re projecting yourself as a child to play out a sexual fantasy for yourself then okay. That’s actually understandable to a degree. I still think it’s super weird but this actually does make some level of sense. But just like you’re allowed to doubt that MOST people are playing violent games for a socially acceptable reason I CAN ALSO STATE AND BELIVE THAT I DOUBT MOST PEOPLE ARE VIEWING THIS CONTENT FOR THAT REASON. And trust me as someone that was sexually abused before if you’re getting off in that way it’s not normal,or natural behavior, and you should probably seek help.

    • Disa@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      I’m glad I could help you understand another perspective! For me, that is why I am interested in shota content, I have no interest in the shota at all, I am projecting onto the shota.

      You are 100% right, you have every right to assume that the majority of people who are into this kind of content are doing it because they are fantasizing about the real life equivalent with them as the adult. However, just as we should allow violent video games to exist because it’s been shown in studies that it doesn’t actually lead to violence. We should also allow this sort of content for a similar reason.

      There are more studies which are being tried in the U.S but currently the main study I know of is one done by the Denmark government when they actually wanted to ban such content. They funded a governmental study to see if loli/shota/cub increased sexual abuse, and they found no link to consumption of fictional content and actual child abuse. And that’s what matters when we’re talking about freedom of expression and legality here. If it does not increase harm, then it should be legal. That’s my personal opinion.

      • Yasuke@lemmy.fmhy.ml
        1 year ago

        Again, thank you for actually being mature, having a VALID ARGUMENT, and presenting your reasons based off of what I’m assuming is facts and hard data. Would you happen to have a link to this study you mentioned?

        • Nazrin@burggit.moeM
          1 year ago

          The other arguments were valid, you just weren’t really agreeing with them. Maybe not convincing enough for you would be the correct term?

          There could be debate on if the attraction itself could be considered immoral. It could lead to an immoral act, so it by induction has to be immoral too?

          The thing is that the vast majority of the human population has the ability to not take that attraction into the real world. No matter how many times you are in a convenience store, look for the cameras and think how easy it would be to steal that pack of gum and not pay for it, the ability to just not makes you not a thief. You could think about it all day, write stories on thieving, make art, play games. But the ability to not and be a functional person makes you not a thief. Change out the words for rape, or any other topic if you want.

          Minor attracted persons struggle with this every day. There’s no moral physical outlet for this. Keeping it in their pants makes them not a pedophile. They aren’t thanked for it (and it’s the bare minimum they can do too, so probably they shouldn’t be), but they are persecuted for trying to relieve themselves in other ways. Demonized for having the gall to be born that way. It’s why they talked about that argument first. It’s the one big theme, the only life raft.

          • Yasuke@lemmy.fmhy.ml
            1 year ago

            I lost I trest the second you said “the other arguments are valid” because well…… they aren’t. Right and wrong are governed by the majority. You guys are the minority because it’s simply not correct and most sane people know this.

            What I have noticed is that most of the people in here are good at trying to find what sounds like a convincing loophole to try and cause doubt (gaslighting) in the other person……… and even yourselves. That consistent need to be right.

            Sadly regardless of what any of you have said so far, even the one person that DID approach me with maturity and made a valid point that I didn’t think about…… nobody can point me to any hard facts that make you “right”. No links to REAL STUDIES. no other facts or news…… just you guys gaslighting yourselves and we’ll trying to gaslight me. Fortunately for me I have emotional intelligence and morals that are intact.

            EDIT: so now I did read it. That last paragraph? BS. THERES NO MOREL OUTLET BECAUSE ITS NOT NORMAL AND SOCIETY ->DOESNT CONDONE IT<- because unfortunately yes it IS a problem being born this way. Just like being a psychopath, sociopath, or schizophrenic ISNT OKAY even though the person is born that way and it’s why normally if it comes to light that someone is born that way they get help. 

            • Burger@burggit.moe
              1 year ago

              Just wanted to bring this to your attention, I farted really loud when I read this comment.

            • rinkan 輪姦@burggit.moe
              1 year ago

              I was going to stay out of this whole argument, but this cannot stand:

              Right and wrong are governed by the majority.

              This is just a variation on “might makes right”, which is the negation of morality. It cannot be the foundation for moral arguments.

        • Disa@burggit.moe
          1 year ago

          This is unfortunately the best I can do as I am unsure if the study was ever publicly released outside of the Denmark government. But we are seeing more studies like this enacted (I’ll link to one of those too.)

          ==Denmark Study Info==

          https://web.archive.org/web/20140118043546/https://cphpost.dk/news/report-cartoon-paedophilia-harmless.2255.html << Denmark news website


          ==Similar Studies from Czech Republic== I seem to remember there being more of these, but this is the specific one I found


          ==Another Study which is being conducted==


          From my understanding there are more than this, however I don’t have the sources right on hand, so unfortunately I can’t give them to you at the moment.

          I hope this gives you what you are looking for. :3