Now that Bandcamp has had huge layoffs, what about an opensource, Fediverse-friendly replacement? What can a FOSS product bring to the community and do better than Bandcamp?

  • Discoverability?
  • Broader selection of payments platforms? Direct transfer to avoid processors? (I’m ignorant about the processing system, plus international considerations)
  • Ease of spinning up (SaaS?)
  • Content deliverability (on the fly transcode from sourced FLAC or WAVs? Rich video/multi track audio?)
    1 year ago

    And now let’s address your second favourite crypto-Ponzi: Ethereum. This would be the Ethereum whose “smart” contracts are so fucking dumb that it’s almost routine to find stories of them being owned by kiddies? (Ask Hope Lend, Fantom Foundation, Balancer, Huobi, Remitano, and a cast of thousands.) Or would this be the Ethereum that filled to the brim with suspect entities like TrueUSD/$TEURO (which they laughably claim aren’t related despite both coming from the same address), Milady NFTs (or, let’s face it, ANY fucking NFT!), or any number of other rug pullers and such? Or are you talking the Ethereum that is so lazy an implementation that people trivially write snipe bots to manipulate values for things? Or are you talking the Ethereum so fucking lax (and convoluted in actual use) that even its founder got himself Twitter-hacked to wind up draining people’s accounts dry from a scam?

    Yeah. Absolutely the org I’d trust with finance. Great suggestion, Sparky? Why not just resurrect Capone and tell people to put cash in this bag he’s holding out?

      1 year ago

      Ethereum is not an organization, you don’t need to use NFTs or smart contracts if you don’t want to

        1 year ago

        Ethereum is not an organization […]

        Right. Ethereum is not an “organization”. It’s several organizations (like the Ethereum Foundation, say) with suspicious overlap in membership (like Vitalik Buterin, say) whose top 100 ETH addresses (out of about what? a quarter million? a third of a million?) own ~40% of the ETH making them one motherfucking powerful voting bloc. (Even Bitcoin, with some whales that are making people look askance at it, has only about 14% held in the top 100 addresses!)

        And this doesn’t even begin to address the clusterfuck that is the enormous problem of PoS having “the rich get richer” built into its very core.

        …you don’t need to use NFTs or smart contracts if you don’t want to

        Agreed. And indeed you don’t need to use any cryptoscam bullshit at all. Which is what most people do. Because most people aren’t clueless idiots and can actually smell a scam. The cryptoshills are obvious scammers at the level of Nigerian Princes-in-Exile!

        Here’s a suggestion for you, Sparky. Why don’t you toddle off back to nostr where the rest of your cryptobro buddies and their victims hang out instead of trying to infect yet another domain with your criminal scam?