How do notifications work in the official Telegram Android app (Play Store vs Site version maybe)? Does it have the same mechanism as Signal, which only recognizes the presence of notifications via Google services, but sends them via its web socket service?

    10 months ago

    Yes it is. Wtf

    Could you prove that? More specifically, I need proof that it allows public groups for protesters to gain mass and protect their identifies adequately at all times.

    It doesn’t need to do that

    It does need that. Signal stores this information too. Just because it’s encrypted doesn’t mean it will not be handled to someone against your will.

    Why would it not disclose groups?

    I don’t know, maybe because I can’t imagine why even the most insane government would come up with laws that would allow it to ask internet services something like “hey there is this person, please provide some data of their activity on your service” instead of just capturing that person and making them spill out everything themselves. If you are at the point where your groups are disclosed this won’t be the result of government’s requests to some service. It’ll be the starting point for those.

    A year ago, you would have said Telegram doesn’t disclose people’s identities.

    I wouldn’t.

    ignoring every other problem Telegram has but Signal does not

    Signal’s way to “not have problems” is to avoid users who could bring them.

        10 months ago

        And why should I accept your reframing when you try to compare signal to telegram?

        I see, signal wants to keep its servers free from content. Cool. This automatically means groups can’t accept new members and allow them seeing all the previously posted content. This is what protests use to grow. So signal can’t be used to grow protest groups. Only fixed groups would use it to do stuff they want, and “making more people join the protest” would not be on list. They will need to resort to other methods to spread infornation if they wanted to grow. Protesters groups that don’t want to grow are not what I could consider a real protest.

        Protest is a public movement. It will not be effective when it’s private or wants to keep its members anonymous. This is basically what oppressive governments are fine with, so signal helps them in a way.

        What led to telegram’s “wrongdoings” would not be possible if it did not provide public communication. Signal doesn’t provide it either so they’d have to use a different platform. That would lead to the same consequences.

        Affected people could use private groups in telegram to avoid issues. But then it would not be what they wanted, and their actions would not be impactful enough (without other platform capable of public communication) for government to get interested in them.