They’re not worth anything, never were but even less through the years with inflation.
If a store wants to sell something for 99 cent, they can either just take 1€ or 95 cent.
Maybe even 5 cent pieces? But that would be a bit radical.
I am a bit annoyed that easy ideas like this are never discussed in politics, or wherever. It would make our lives just a little bit easier, and having them achieves NOTHING.
croatian here, we recently, in january of this year, switched to euro. im still mindblown by how much 1 cent is (like, 7.5 times more than 1 lipa was). and since i already carry 10 times more coins now then when i did when we used kunas, i really dont mind the 1 and 2 cent coins. in fact, a lot of things here cost x.x3 or x.x7 €, so its quite convenient to have some cents in your wallet
Damn that’s interesting. In Germany you can maybe get something for 10 cent somewhere, but everything else is at least 20 or 50 cent ^^