• southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    Oh, fucking hell, I have to pick one as worst?

    I was a nurse’s assistant for twenty years. It’s literally a shit job. I’ve had every single body fluid on me, and in some cases it happened on purpose, including someone shitting on my neck because he thought I was the guy that fucked his wife thirty years before.

    I’ve been wrist deep in infected wounds. I’ve seen people’s spine and hips without an x-ray because there was no flesh left on top of the bones. I’ve had people die in front of me, sometimes just dropping, other times taking days to die in slow pain. I’ve washed the dead bodies afterwards.

    I’ve been groped by men and women (and not in uneven numbers surprisingly) despite being a sasquatch.

    I’ve been shit-canned because companies wanted to cut insurance for employees, because a facility was too cheap to give a dime raise that I had dared to ask for, and once because I wouldn’t fuck one of the nurse supervisors. Seriously.

    I’ve been in a facility that lost 2/3 or their residents over two weeks because one fucking asshole of an administrator refused to let staff with the flu take time off, and it ripped through the fucking place. In that two weeks, half of the staff just fucking quit because they were either too sick to care, or just got burnt out, so I was covering up to about seventy patients by myself with a single RN in charge of three halls full of dying patients.

    I once got in a fucking fight with another NA because I caught him trying to fuck a patient, and wanted to try and cook to an excuse why he was there with a boner, his pants down, and climbing on top of the patient and didn’t like being pulled off and thrown to the floor.

    I once had a patient lost in dementia that seemed to think everyone was a demon sent to torture her because that’s what she called us while she screamed in pain because just turning her over in bed to change her diaper could tear her skin. One night, I ended up just walking out the door and not coming back for a week. Which should tell you how fucking horrible nursing homes treat people that they were so desperate for staff that I could get away with that. When I did come back, it was because I wanted to turn in some gear I had been wearing that wasn’t mine, but they just asked if I was quitting, or if they could put me back on the schedule.

    You know what’s fucked up though? Sometimes I still miss the good parts of the job. Watching people die sucked, but knowing I was making that a little easier was fucking gold. Helping a patient go from bedbound, to using a chair, to using a walker, to using a cane was fucking awesome. Seeing a wound that was this big, gnarly, infected hole close up over months and being the one that was doing the hands on care that got it closed up was satisfying in a way I never manage to adequately describe.

    It wasn’t all bad. I can’t even say that the bad was such a high percentage of the overall job that I regret having done it. But it’s a shitty enough job that anyone that ever asks gets advised to not do it

  • abbadon420@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I’ve got two stories, both temp jobs in my younger years.

    I was working a temp job on some weaving machine with some girl. I was engaging in some chit chat while we were monitoring the machine until the next manual interference had to be done. She asked me if I liked the job. I told her it was fine, I was just there to earn my bread, I didn’t think much of it. It was just chatter, or so I thought.

    After the break, the manager came to me and told me that since i didn’t like working there, I was fired. Turns out the girl went to the manager office, literally crying, telling him that I was complaining about the job and she feared that it would badly influence her position in the company and that I was sabotaging the company.

    That was fucking weird! Anyways, I was out of there and didn’t care a bit. I was 19 or so and had a new job the next day. It was only a summer job anyways.

    Another summer job (a year later) was another temp job. I had to go to some distribution company and they’d tell me what to do. Fine.

    I got there and they tell me I had to wipe conveyer belts with a cloth. That sucks, but allright, it was only for a week. A few moments later, one of the workers came up to me and asked me why I was there. I said I was there to work. He said, “No, I mean what did you do to be put here”. He thought I was a convicted fellon doing my time there. Clearly this was that kind of job. Needless to say I rung up the temp agency and explained to them that I wouldn’t be going back there.

    • Dandroid@dandroid.app
      1 year ago

      Regarding your first story. What the fuck??? Do you know if she didn’t like you and wanted you gone? Or perhaps she just got off on fucking people over? Or do you think she genuinely believed what she was saying and was just fucking crazy?

      I can’t imagine how miserable of a person you must have to be to get someone fired for no reason.

      • abbadon420@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        I think she genuinely meant what she said. I had been working there for a couple weeks with good results. I had worked there the summer before also. I think management didn’t care for their employers anyways, they probably didn’t even know my name or my track record. I was always disposable and maybe too old (too expensive) by that time.

  • Spellblade@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I once worked as a driver helper for ups and my selfish dipshit driver refused to let me have breaks or use the bathroom. I had to beg someone I delivered a package to to use theirs after 12 hours with no break. I quit the next day.

    • Thavron@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      all of the tools they were telling me we couldn’t afford were bought and to this day I get very little pushback when it comes to the security budget.

      “Would you like a 10k preventative bill, or a 80k after-the-fact bill?”

  • Dinodicchellathicc@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I was once held at gunpoint over a 6pack of crunch donuts. I caught a guy cutting catalytic converters out of cars, and he then proceeded to chase me with a Sawzall. I watched an elderly man get run over by his wife and as i was rendering first aid he died. A homeless man once took a boxcutter from a grocery store employee, held it to his neck and said “watch me die”.

    None of those were my worst day at work though. My worst day was a 16 hour shift where I had to sit in a cubicle, with no phone, tv, or ac. I was staring at a monitor showing a camera feed that was only showing a door. It was just me, alone, and bored and cold and miserable for 16 hours. I like to think that’s what the CIA did to people in the 60’s to mentally break them.

  • Random_Character_A@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When I was 20+ I worked at an avionics repair shop. The place had a large parking lot and large yard for moving airplanes around. It was about 1km of open ground from the bus stop at the gates to the closest building.

    One morning while walking this route to work with countles others on that shift, my stomach started to rumble. 500m to go, that rumble became a pain I have never experienced before. It was clear I needed a toilet then and there. I tried to run, adding more attention to myself, but the pain put me on my knees.

    With all those people checking if I was OK, my stomach decided to flush everything out.

    So, with dozen people watching I experienced first sudden symptoms of an especially violent stomach flu.

  • tetris11@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    It was my first job in a hostile city. My apartment was trash so I learned to sleep under my desk instead of going back there. My parents were getting divorced and it ended up forcing me to pick sides. I cut off communication from both of them due to the pressure, and decided to do something positive in my life. I joined a gym. It cured all my social anxiety, my stammer was gone, I could look people in the eye, and I was getting a lot of attention from girls. This made me more angry than happy as I realised that these same girls did not care to talk to me before I got fit. I isolated myself at work too as I tried to distract myself in my work from my unstable life, but one girl would not let up and would actively touch me and try to get me to react to her. It was harassment, but I never reported her. I endured it for a year or two, then she left, and afterwards I left the country.

    • Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
      1 year ago

      before I got fit

      Proceeds to ignore the “cured my social anxiety” part to find a way to be angry at women. This is the incel way 👍

      • Drewsipher@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Just being confident does wonders. Be who you are unapologetically someone will find you attractive…. I got one making my Big Ass the little spoon RIGHT NOW

        • Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
          1 year ago

          Yep, it’s not as if only the most attractive men/women are in a relationship and very often you’ll see people “punching above their weight” just because they are just very nice people to be with and that counts for a whole lot more than having a nice ass or big pipes!

      • tetris11@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Fair. I was just shocked by it, and with the divorce going on and the infidelity of my dad and the social trauma my mother was willing to inflict on us, the undereating and the overexercising leading to the anoerexia… my entire value system was in a state of flux. I did not know what anything was worth anymore. Hell it was physically exhausting to smile. I was not in a stable mental state, and the last thing I needed was positive attention from women at the time.

    • sanols@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      That’s awful, I’m sorry you had that experience— no one deserves to be harassed.

      I’m interested in understanding your attitude about fitness and the female gaze if you’re willing to discuss it. Does the attention still upset you? Do you find that members of all genders treated you differently, or just woman?

      • tetris11@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        The attention was the absolute last thing I wanted. I was trying to fade away into the wallpaper, and my unhealthy dieting/exercise regime was accomplishing that somewhat. My bosses and mentors expressed concern, but the girls at work expressed sudden interest, and it messed with my entire value system. Someone below mentions that this is typical incel behaviour, and maybe it was – but all I wanted to do was to be left alone, and I wasn’t allowed to

  • PentastarM @midwest.social
    1 year ago

    This happened about 10 years ago. In my job, we have ‘slots’ that we occupy for our given speciality, so my ‘slot’ is Engineer. Well I had just gotten my Master of Science in Systems Engineering, and my work had Team Leader System Engineering positions that had to be filled. Seemed perfect for me, the only caveat was I had to bring my ‘slot’ with me, which means when I left my current group, they would be down a ‘slot’ and couldn’t immediately backfill my position until the got approval for another ‘slot’.

    So I send my resume over, talk to my immediate supervisor, who was supportive and on board, but I also had to talk to his boss, the manager over the group. He says he would love to support me in my career and my moving up and asked me to describe the job. I did, including telling him I would need to bring my ‘slot’ with me. Well, his attitude immediately changes and he said no in a very gruff way and told me to get out of his office.

    I stop there a minute, and still trying to be optimistic about it, I asked if that because my work and skills would be hard to replace and that is why he is acting that way, and that I would be glad to help train a replacement and maybe even do a part time split between the two teams until my replacement was up to speed.

    He looked at me, sighed, and said it had nothing to do with me, he could care less if I left, my work wasn’t that stellar, he just didn’t want to lose a ‘slot’. That really broke my confidence as an engineer and frankly as a person to have this guy just dismiss me and reduce me down to just having physical body on his team. I ended up quitting a few months later. I wish I had some sort of karma follow for that, but I was replaced within a few days. Thank god my bosses boss didn’t lose his slot though 🙄

  • jbrains@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    I had a purely ceremonial title taken away from me because the person who agreed to cover my shift didn’t show up. I don’t know whether to call this absolutely worst, but it certainly felt embarrassing at the time and it feels abjectly petty and pathetic even with 25 years of distance. Like… rly?!

  • zemon@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    A sysadmin couldn’t install a Debian server, because the internet was unavailable. There were 2 net cards in the machine (either had an interface twice the size of the PCI slot it was sitting in, the other was regular PCI). My dear mentor put the LAN cable into the regular card, the told the installer to use the other. I told him to finish my work and installed the server for him.

    Same sysadmin told me to graft two CAT5e cables. I wired a small cable (10 cm), starting with green-white at both ends, then grefted the two cables with it. Later he complained, that I made a crossed wiring, because the other cables started with orage-white. I couldn’t explain, if you double-cross a wire it becomes a straight one. Then I told him, that modern routers configure themsefves, no matter how messed up the wiring.

    At another company there were 3 pieces of free antivirus on every PC. A onedrive (free) account was our cloud service. The boss wanted me to teach the store manager how to develop a website and I had one week to do that, that was my last week.

  • Saigonauticon@voltage.vn
    1 year ago

    Wow, I literally live in the developing world and most of the stories here are worse than mine.

    All I’ve got is the time I did the Q2 accounting with an open head wound I didn’t clearly remember getting – although it was more scary looking than actually dangerous. I’ve been hospitalized for overwork a couple of times. The ceiling fell on me once, but it wasn’t that heavy. Pretty mild stuff compared to a nurse or convenience store clerk in the West.