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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2020


  • In a stunning turn of events, the Supreme Court has once again hit that sweet 6-3 split, this time on the question of whether ol Donny Trump can wriggle his way out of his biggest jam yet.

    This SCOTUS ruling sets the precedent that the office of the Presidency is immune to any legal repercussions for crimes committed as part of an ‘official act’. Any president can now do whatever they want in office and face 0 consequences for it.

    Remember, you have to VOTE Dem forever now, lest this weaponised office of unchecked power that the Dems have done nothing to meaningfully stop the creation of fall into the hands of a Republican. Your ability to continue VOTEing Dem while conditions deteriorate depends on it!

  • Something I wonder about when I post in threads like this is the possibility of it being sifted through one day by historians, of some sort. Whether that’s internet archivists digging around the wreckage of the old worldwide web for lost media 20 years from now, or scholars from a post-internet empire 5 centuries from now trying to salvage whatever data they can from what they view as the height of human civilisation. Just as the tiniest Roman shopping list carved onto stone would give us insight into what life was like for a distant ancestor of ours, our posts could give our descendants a glimpse into our world.

    If you are a curious scholar or even a passionate amateur sifting through the digital detritus of the 2020s to learn what life was like in the leadup to the third world war, i have only one message for you: MARG BAR ISRAEL