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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I got a pair recently and I generally like them a lot. Minor complaints include the controls not always recognizing my taps, and like most earbuds, their fit is variable depending on your ears. They fit me pretty well, but I switch them for Comply foam tips when I need real isolation from all noise, not just noise canceling. Make sure you update the firmware, it makes a difference.

  • You’re completely right. Even in combat areas, soldiers aren’t shooting 100% of the time, it’s more like 1-5%. The rest of the time they take care of their body’s needs, and I’d rather be on the side with wool socks than the side wrapping their feet up with cotton cloth because they don’t have socks.

    Also, pro-tip for anybody even thinking they’ll see ”excitement”. Wet wipes are your friend. Get your tush nice and clean, can use another wipe to give yourself a whore’s bath.

  • As a self-described gun nut, I’d say the American civilian has a few other things going for them.

    First, unlike most Russians, they’ve been to the range before likely sighting in yet another optic because this week is Elcan hype week, so this isn’t their first time handling a gun.

    Second, they want to be there. Whether it’s defending their community or as part of a relief effort, the American volunteered. You cannot underestimate how important that is in any fight.

    Last but not least, there’s also the difference in sustainment equipment available. The Russian Army can’t reliably provide socks. Americans can show up with a twelve-pack of Hanes from a Walmart or Target, let alone the really Gucci stuff like Darn Tough and Bison Wool Co. The Russians get to huddle together for warmth, Americans have Wiggy’s and Kifaru to name just a few respected brands for sleeping bags/Woobies. Then there’s boots, which you’ll hear a ton of discussion on, but armies march on their feet and there are still some wonderful boots made in the US that can keep the wearer from getting trench foot in combat conditions. The Russians saw their boot funds get diverted to the General’s dacha.

    The list just goes on from there. Thanks to decades of GWOT purchasing, America has massive amounts of surplus on the civilian market that is serviceable though heavy, and that’s second and third tier stuff compared to the top civilian and tactical gear that’s readily available. Resupply might be an issue, but the American would start off significantly better equipped, which means resupply can focus on the essentials to keep them in the fight: food, water, medical, combatives.

  • I’d like to propose a rule to Politics subreddits. Any time there’s a Federal judge making a decision, have the name of the President that appointed them in parentheses and the year they were appointed. For instance, the judge in this case would read U.S. District Judge Janet Bond Arterton (Clinton, 1995). It would provide a clearer perspective on a few things, including their inherent biases to be nominated by a given president, what was happening in the country/world at the time, and how freaking old the Courts are in general. In case you’re wondering, the Judge in this decision is 79.