Lerios [hy/hym]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • theres a guy at my work who’s been incredibly helpful to me and has taken up all of the training that this bullshit company neglected to give me. he is lowkey the reason i still have a job. he has a bit of shaky grasp of the english language and i try to be patient with that and give him a hand, i don’t think the rest of the team really talks to him because of his hit-or-miss english. sometimes we’ll stay on a call even after work hours have ended to chat about football.

    and then, a few days ago, he tells me whats going on in fr*nch politics. this then rapidly progessed into open racism. he complained about immigrants not integrating, and the whole “there are parts of paris that the police are afraid to go to. because of the woke.”, and how some socialist freaks don’t like isreal and are clashing with police (BASED), and how all arabs are violent; its just innate, its their culture. he, not speaking good english in an english language company, had the gall to bitch about immigrants not knowing french

    he even tried to bond with me by being like “don’t you guys have the whole knife crime thing? because of the violent immegrants?” FUCK OFF CLAUDE, KNIFECRIME IS OUR NATIONAL FUCKING SPORT ALL ON OUR OWN ukkk france-cool

    the whiplash from the only person in this company who has ever been decent to me (and is also my boss’ boss) turning out to be a rabid reactionary is incredibly unsettling. i don’t know what to do, or if i could even keep my job if i mention this to anyone. it was unrecorded, outside of work hours, and hes my only source of support in this bullshit fucking job. so yeah, don’t ask, but they might tell you anyway doomjak

  • i was out in the town centre the other day and saw some anarchists staging some sort of protest. and i was like, fuck yeah! free palestine! until i got closer and saw that it wasn’t the ancom flag, it was a different half black half red flag that had some yellow symbol on it, and a bunch of people with ukraine shit. like bestie its been 2 years lmao, how do they not know its joever? genuinely, why the fuck are you wasting your weekend for a country being used as a nato pawn that we all knew never stood a chance in the first place?

    also, given that its a symbol being used for the ukraine i assumed it was some fash shit. i got home, googled it, and its the flag of the ukrainian insurgent army - and guess who they were shooting at during ww2? not the fucking germans agony-shivering

  • idk, i know this is probably happening on twitter for sus reasons, but in practical terms this seems like a straight upgrade? tumblr lets you hide your likes and thats great - i don’t neccessarily need people who i want to have genuine conversations with exposed to my piss kink lmao, or to see that i’m into [name of trashy tv show here]. if anything this will improve engagement because you’re not making a Statement everytime you hit the little heart button. generally more privacy is more good isn’t it?

  • its middle class suburban paranoia, the 24 hour news cycle, and racism, thats it.

    i’ve recently moved to a large city from the countryside and my grandma is terrified of me getting stabbed. no one she knows has ever been stabbed, but it’s on the news so it must be happening every day. its just what those hoodied youths get up to. the thing is i’m the only young person i’ve ever known who carries a knife - i always have, i’m from a fucking farm. it’s a knife that’s literally illegal in my country, we just don’t have cops nearby.

    the real kicker: SHE gave me that knife when i was fucking 13

    doesn’t amerikkka have something similar about how every street corner in detroit/chicargo/wherever is swarmed by teens who are Definitely smoking fentynol? its those same PMC delusions, but with violence instead of drugs. if ALL violent crime were eliminated, the news would just turn to some other shit to rile people up over.