SchillMenaker [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I hate to say it but this basically makes no sense. T2D is characterized by systemic insulin resistance that leads to decreased beta cell function. Every cell in your body already doesn’t respond to insulin the way they’re supposed to, so even the wild best case scenario of restoring complete beta cell function wouldn’t be a “cure.”

    My guess as to why no one is hearing about this is that China doesn’t buy it. They used to heavily promote questionable research 15-20+ years ago to the point where if you saw something that looked like a major breakthrough coming out of China you could almost always dismiss it as bs (Israel used to do this as well. They still do, but they used to too). They seem to have put a ton of effort into changing this culture in research and it’s paying off tremendously and the quality of research coming from there is now seriously high quality.